Saturday, June 13, 2009

More Reaction to Mama Bear vs. Creepy Dave

Our recap of reaction to Mama Bear vs. Creepy Dave left room for much more, so here is at least a little more:

I'm no Mike Huckabee fan, but must give him props for this: "The attacks that David Letterman made on the Palin family, uncalled for, uncouth, and you know what's worse? Don Imus got fired for an unscripted off-the-cuff remark. This was a scripted remark."

Gossip columnists are among the most vicious of Sarah Palin critics, and these useful idiots have been slamming her and her family unmercifully since she first set foot on the national stage. No small wonder, then, that most of these Hedda Hopper wannabes have tried to make Creepy Dave the victim and Mama Bear the evil villain for having the nerve to defend her daughters. Jeff Thomas of The Star Report is a textbook example of this ilk: "Palin is using her daughter to stir up publicity." Since you Chatty Patty types bash her every day regardless, Jeff, how could she be trying to stir up publicity? Think on that one for a while, but don't hurt yourself doing it.

Speaking of ghastly gossip columnists, whatever clown blogs for The Hollywood Gossip thought it would be a great idea to get Levi Johnson to comment on the Lecherman-Palin dustup. Poor Levi only showed his cluelessness when he said, "I don't think he meant to hurt anybody. He's a comedian. That's what he does... People are going to make jokes and there're (sic) going to talk and say whatever they want. You can't do nothing about it." The gossip blogger praised young Johnston's hopelessly naive answer, calling it "Simple, direct, rational, critical," and went on to bash Sarah Palin some more. It would have been good to see Levi man up and defend women, but, alas, a man he ain't.

Also accusing the governor of using her daughters to advance her political career was MSDNC's Keith Olbermann. In a fit of pure leftist dementia, Bathtub Boy called Gov. Palin "sanctimonious, holier than thou, exploitative, undignified, pedantic, childish, self-inflicting, insipid, backwards, embarrassing, over-reactive, overreaching" and a "delusional lunatic" - all inside of one 12-minute segment. All of those attributes, of course, are more descriptive of Olby himself.

Chris Matthews, notorious for the thrill Obama sends up his leg, expressed his opinion that "I don't think that it's smart to pick fights with comics." His guest, frequent Palin critic Kathleen Parker, while first saying that Lecherman was "way, way over the top" for attacking Gov. Palin's children, insinuated nevertheless that the governor and first gentleman were using the row with Creepy Dave for political advantage. Parker said that they had responded in "a very sophisticated way," but then went on to essentially say that Sarah Palin was not sophisticated enough to lead the GOP. Ah, the consistency of Mittwit moderates is something to behold. They are almost as consistent as Romney himself. The former governor of Massachusetts, btw, has not rushed to Gov. Palin's defense in the wake of Creepy Dave's attacks, choosing instead to remain silent.

At Race 4 2012, Alex Knepper blogged "This Palin Critic Loves Sarah Palin for Going After David Letterman."

Sebastian Gray, in his Gray Matters column on Hillbuzz, wrote a step by step prescription for taking action against Lecherman. It's what Chad at AOSHQ calls "Going Alinsky on Letterman."

At Protein Wisdom, Ric Locke used the flap over Creepy Dave's lewd and crude remarks to examine the larger issue of "Why is Sarah Palin’s family a target for Leftoid attacks?"

Curt at Flopping Aces blogged right through Lecherman's lame excuse that the older Palin daughter, rather than the middle one, was intended to be the butt of his so-called joke: "Nope, no confusing that one, no matter how much he lies in an attempt to squirm out of this pickle."

Patterico considered NOW's induction of Creepy Dave into its hall of Shame for the attack on Gov. Palin's daughter, and concluded that he might have taken greater offense at the "slutty flight attendant" bit because "at least it’s directed at Palin herself. The problem is, I’ve never seen Palin present herself in a 'slutty' fashion. What did Palin ever do to deserve that remark — other than, of course, to be attractive? Is being an attractive woman somehow offensive to David Letterman?"

Last, and most certainly least, is Andrew Sullivan, no stranger to being obsessively creepy about the Palin children himself. In his constant fit of projection, the nutcase that is Silly Sully called Sarah Palin "a nutcase." How's that correspondence course from the Close Cover Before Striking Skool of Obstetrics working out for you, Andrew?

- JP

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