Saturday, June 20, 2009

Fear of Sarah Palin drives the Left over the edge

Have you ever wondered why the rabid-dog Left, although it will nip at other Republicans, saves its most vicious foaming-at-the-mouth attacks for Sarah Palin? Why aren't they driven to exhibit the same degree of vitriol for other Republicans, including the conservatives, who are being touted as possibilities to contend for the 2012 GOP presidential nomination?

Posting at The Virginian, Jay Valentine offers an explanation:
"The best and the brightest on the left go into politics. The best on the right run their own businesses. So it is no surprise that the left is far more adept, even expert at the art of hardball politics. And they are telling us something profound."

"The left is telling us something many feel, many find as a hunch, that Sarah Palin is the most dangerous threat to the Obama administration with no close second. The left is telling us this by their "over the top" attacks. Not just the Letterman assaults, but the constant barrage of grievances filed against her in Alaska. The attacks every day on Palin for no apparent reason -- except that the left seems to see her quite differently from any Republican candidate. A difference of kind, not of degree."

"They would never do this to Romney, Huckabee or Newt, at least not to this level. There is a clear reason -- these guys couldn't fill up a high school stadium unless they were giving out free beer."
What drives the Left into derangement over Sarah Palin can be boiled down to one word - fear. In 1965, when Frank Herbert authored his great science fiction novel Dune, he spelled out what fear can do to those who fail to successfully conquer it:
"Fear is the mindkiller..."


- JP

1 comment:

  1. The left knows deep down inside that 0bama grip on things is very tenuous. He only moved ahead in the polls with the financial crisis, primarily due to McCain's mishandling of the issue. They are well aware that thousands and even tens of thousands of people stood in line, and waited for hours in the cold, and in the rain to see Gov. Palin. Despite all the pounding Gov. Palin has taken over the last ten months, she was able to turn out over 20,000 people at a non-political event in Auburn, that only increases their fear. They concentrate on attacking her through insults and abuse of her family, because what else are they going to attack her on, the pipeline deal? I would guess that the majority of Americans would be impressed with the pipeline deal, so they dare not go there. Essentially, the only other thing is abortion, and everyone already knows where she stands on that, so an attack on that front won't get much traction beyond what it already has.

    From my looking at comment sections around the country, it looks like more and more people are really tiring of all the personal attacks. I've seen several people say that these attacks make the left look really bad, and that they should stop and leave her and her family alone.

    If Gov. Palin comes out strongly in support of the demonstrators, or at least in support of fair elections in Iran, and condemn the killing of demonstrators, particularly the beating deaths of several women, she would gain tremendous attention, and capitalize on the traction she received with the letterman flap.
