Saturday, June 13, 2009

Quote of the Day (June 13, 2009)

Today's QOTD is taken from an ADN article headlined "Trip Outside shows Palin's star power still blazes." Don't let that title deceive you. It's McClatchy's ADN, remember, and the paper is still as pro-Obama and anti-Palin as ever.

As per standard government-run media practice, the article quotes a number of "experts" -- in this case, GOP consultants -- selected so that most of them will have a little positive and a lot negative to say about Gov. Palin. Our QOTD comes from the only one who was 100% positive. Republican consultant Greg Mueller:
"Katie Couric doesn't have a lot of fans in Des Moines, Iowa, and Manchester, New Hampshire. Sarah Palin does."
- JP


  1. I read the ADN article, pretty typical hatchet job. What gets me is when someone from within the GOP is quoted as saying that Palin has to move beyond being a celebrity and address issues. Don't they even pay attention, she's been addressing issues for months, not to mention the pipeline deal, and her interviews this week on NBC, CNN, FOX, all addressing issues. Then there is Sabatoe saying she only appeals to the base, but probably can't win the nomination much less the election. I guess he doesn't bother read stuff like this:

    Yuman invited to Palin's home

    "I went to visit my daughter in Wasilla, and when people here in Yuma found out I was going to Alaska, they all said to tell Sarah hello. I made a card for Sarah that said, 'Hello from your friends in Yuma, Arizona.' It had 200 signatures and personal notes. Three local bands also gave me their CDs, and some of the business people here gave me cards to give her."

    "The people who signed the card included liberals and conservatives from both parties. How they feel about Sarah was important, not their party affiliation. Sarah and I did not discuss politics at all."

  2. Josh,

    Is there anyway that you can make the writing bigger on the banner about the webathon for Sarah Palin's legal debt? With a dark background and white writing makes it a bit of a challenge to read in that size of print as it is now.


  3. Betsy, I reformatted my entire blog to allow for larger images in the right-hand column.

    Can you read it better now?

    - Jp
