Sunday, June 7, 2009

Isolated case of Mudflatulence reported in Auburn

The Mudflats, one of those goofy anti-Palin ankle biter blogs, just couldn't stand it. Sarah Palin was getting way too much love in Auburn, NY for the Palin-haters' comfort, so the blarney blog had to throw something up in a lame attempt to rain on the governor's parade. In so doing, Mudflatulence beclowned itself.

The wacky website had a "Mudflatter" on the ground in Auburn who posted:
"I have come to the conclusion that my sign was way to erudite for the likes of a Palin supporter."
Dude, you're not "erudite" if you don't know the difference between "to" and "too" in common English usage. And that "erudite" sign of yours in the photo looks like something a third grader cobbled together in art class.

These PDS sufferers are not losing it. They never had it.

- JP

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the tip.
    My favourite bit, apart from the article, was the exchange in the comment section between the chief flatulent, AM, and Memphis, the under flatulent and author of the article, re a request for a list of the gifts the Guv received. Priceless!!!!
    'PDS sufferers losing it' is a major understatement.
