Saturday, February 6, 2010

Video: Sarah Palin's Address to the National Tea Party Convention

Andrew Breitbart introduces Gov. Sarah Palin:

Sarah Palin addresses the Tea Party Convention:

Sarah Palin post-speech Q&A at the Tea Party Convention, Part 1:

Sarah Palin post-speech Q&A at the Tea Party Convention, Part 2:

- JP


  1. Now, that is what I call getting things up fast!!

  2. Sarah was like a pitbull injected with the blood of Feagan tonight! She gave one hell of a speech. Liberals want desperately to believe this woman is irrelevant. For a person they claim is irrelevant not only did CSPAN and Fox News carried her speech, MSNBC and CNN did as well. That doesn't happen to "irrelevant" people. Ed Schultz had on a radio talk show host. They talked about Sarah's speech. Ed asked the radio host guy is Sarah really relevant after this speech.The guest said is she relevant? She's "radio active" after this speech. That means that she gave a very sharp and direct speech. I know Rush had to be flipping out in glee listening to Sarah's speech.

  3. A strong, direct, point-by-point speech with no baloney! My God, how refreshing to see someone speak without needing a teleprompter! It's like seeing a unicorn, I swear. Moreover, Palin's palpable sincerity and "engagement with the people" as a speaker puts Obama to absolute shame.

    She hit all the specific points. That's what we need: points hit, and specifically. And she is unquestionably dedicated to fighting for America's future. She identified herself as a genuine member of the so-called "Tea Party" movment without narrowing the big picture for anybody. Well done, as usual, Sarah. Shoulder-to-shoulder with the people. What a fine American of whom to be proud. This crucial movement will ony gain steam from more and more Americans who come on board.
