Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Joe the Plumber sets the record straight

The leftist froth-o-sphere's latest item to get all hysterical about is Joe the Plumber's recent statement questioning whether Sarah Palin should have supported John McCain in his Arizona Senate race. Most moonbat bloggers have the same headlines -- "Joe the Plumber blasts McCain and Palin" and "Joe the Plumber goes rogue (Blasts Palin)" -- which is curious considering how the leftists insisted from the start that neither Joe nor Gov. Palin have any relevance. But leftists are never shy of exposing themselves as the hypocrites they are when they think it may serve their political purposes.

In an op-ed for Andrew Breitbart's Big Government, Joe addressed the screaming liberal media frenzy:
So let me set the record straight: I broke Ronald Reagan’s “11th commandment” not to criticize fellow conservatives in public and the liberal mainstream media has had a field day with it. I regret that. I wish I had said it to his face and privately. I do honestly believe that John McCain’s service to our country as a courageous naval aviator and POW rightfully earned him nothing but respect. He has represented the epitome of honor, duty and unimaginable sacrifice. And for the record, he didn’t ruin my life. He and Barrack Obama sent me down a far different path than the one I was happily on–a new path that made me famous, notorious, sought after and vilified. I have learned that all those good and bad things happen when you are thrust into the public eye. Like almost anyone else, I have loved the good and hated the bad.

Also for the record, I like Sarah Palin because although she has served as an elected official as Governor of Alaska, she still acts and speaks like any real person you meet who is worried about the country, the kids and our future. It has always seemed to me that she has a lot of good things to add to our national discussion and that her value does not have to come down to–as the liberal media has tried–whether she should be our next President. Is that the new test of a person’s worth and whether they can add important views on patriotism, faith and family and the role of the citizen? She might make a very good President but that is not the test of her worth. That false test, the subject of various recent polls, is designed by the elitists who have almost ruined our country to chase people off what they believe is their territory.
You can read Joe the Plumber's full opinion piece here.

- JP


  1. First Joe the Plumber had no credibility for liberals. Then he became credible once he bashed McCain and Palin. Now that he's cleaning that up, he will lose credibility with the left again. The left is hypocritical. There is no truth that gets used unless it's a truth that spins their argument.

    Joe the Plummer is not a political pro. He's a regular guy. He has no formal public relations training and he has not held a political office. He has a right to his opinion and he has a right to work out how to best express that opinion.

    I'm going to chalk this up as a moment of frustration for Joe. If PR and polish are his weak points, sincerity is surely his strong point.

  2. They wanted to make Joe the Plumber a useful idiot in which to attack Palin, but it didin't work.
    Liberals are famous for trying people against others. Remeber how Joe Scarborough tried to play Chris Wallace against Palin and that backfired.
