Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Ana Marie Cox admits Palin fans "weren’t all angry"

In a recent interview, lefty blogger Ana Marie Cox -- the original "Wonkette" -- was surprisingly candid in revealing what she saw -- but didn't write about -- at a number of Sarah Palin’s 2008 campaign rallies. Here's her reply when she was asked, "As a journalist, do your politics sometimes get in the way of your reporting?":
"While I go out with a set of ideas, I try not to let that set of ideas interfere with how I see the world. I went to a fair number of Sarah Palin rallies during the campaign, and my friends would say, 'Man, the pitchfork-wavers are really out there today.' I thought that, too, but then I started to talk to people, and they weren’t all angry. That’s just lazy. The story that should’ve gotten written, that was really interesting to me, was how at every rally there were families with children with Down syndrome. They weren’t there to support Sarah Palin politically. They were really happy that there was someone in the national spotlight doing what they have to do every day. When you think about what it takes to take a child with Down syndrome to a political rally, I found that really moving."
Danny Glover comments:
"Why didn’t Cox tell the story back then? Why didn’t her media colleagues? Lazy is part of the equation, as Cox admitted. But it was also more politically useful to promote the caricature of Palin fans as crazy, redneck racists than to portray them as loving, committed parents."
- JP

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