Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Skip Coryell: The Real Sarah Palin

Skip Coryell, founder of the Second Amendment March, had written Sarah to ask her to speak at one of his organization's events. He received a reply from the former governor last week and writes about it at Human Events:
So I opened this letter expecting a plea for much-needed funds... But Sarah from Wasilla surprised me. It was a personal letter. It said:
“Dear Skip, Thank you so much for the copies of your books and for your generosity. Todd and I were happy to receive your encouraging message and we appreciate your thoughtfulness for taking the time to write. God bless you. Thank you again and all the best to you and your family. Sincerely, Sarah Palin”

Every two weeks I meet with my Second Amendment March State Coordinators via teleconference and we plan and talk about the April 19th event. A few weeks ago we were talking about the possibility of Sarah speaking at our march and I asked Len Betts, our Alaska Coordinator, if he’d seen her. The conversation went something like this:

Skip: “Len, have you seen Sarah Palin lately?”
Len: “Sure, saw her at the grocery store just yesterday.”
Skip: “What! You’re kidding me! Sarah Palin buys her own groceries!”
Len: “Of course. Sarah hasn’t changed. She’s still just like the rest of us. She’s not all snooty and she still talks to people just like she always did.”


I believe that Sarah Palin is real. But the million-dollar question is: can she stay that way? For now, I’m filled with faith and hope. But then, I also believe in duty and honor and the strong serving the weak.
There are thousands of Sarah stories just like Skip Coryell's, and they don't lie. She is the real deal. She has a servant's heart, and that is why those with corrupt hearts hate her so. ButSarah Palin's faith in Almighty God is her shield against those who are doing everything they can to destroy her.

- JP

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