Friday, February 5, 2010

Quote of the Day (February 5, 2010)

Rush Limbaugh:
" Last night... I received a flash message from H.R., chief of staff. Sarah Palin's spokeswoman had just gotten off the phone with him, sort of in a panic. She had said that The Politico was going to run a story saying that Sarah Palin's spokeswoman had ripped into me for using the R-word and she had called to say, "I didn't mention Rush in particular. They kept asking me about Rush and I kept answering generically. But they kept asking about Rush and I just wanted you to know." So I soon saw The Politico story and the reaction to it, and, lo and behold, that's exactly how The Politico reported it. If it's a contest between Politico and Sarah Palin's spokeswoman, I will believe Sarah Palin's spokeswoman. No question about it. Because the Drive-Bys have been trying to create this ever since it happened -- and you talk about transparent? These guys are more transparent in their motives than Obama is, and he's the one that pledged it..."
- JP

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