Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Oops! Libs try to create Braceletgate; FAIL miserably

On his blog Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion, law professor William A. Jacobson shoots down another smear job on Sarah Palin from the left:
Yale Graduate School student Eric... Robinson's hit piece on Sarah Palin... leads me to believe Robinson has succumbed to the New Haven funny water, either that, or he is spending too much time with Bruce Ackerman over at the law school.

Robinson writes that Palin has shown contempt for the memory of fallen soldiers by wearing a black metal bracelet (see photo) with the name of her son living son Track on it... but a simple internet search demonstrates that that is not the exclusive use of black wrist bands.


Palin's wearing a black metal bracelet with her son's name on it would seem to be consistent with honoring his deployment.


It gets better. The company which manufactured the bracelet Palin wears has bragged about it on its website, and guess what, they made one for Joe Biden too (to honor his son's service) and Biden's office called the company to thank it...

So Joe must hate fallen soldiers too!
Oh, but it gets even better, thanks to some good research by Tommy Report at C4P. The Deployed HeroBracelet worn by Gov. Palin is not black at all, but is actually bronze in color.

How many times have deranged leftists let their pettiness and blood lust to destroy Sarah Palin make them end up looking like the nasty fools they are? Now that's a project that could keep a researcher busy for a long, long time... 

- JP

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