Wednesday, February 3, 2010

To The Atlantic: Your rotting garbage stinks; throw it in the dumpster

Terminally unhinged conspiracy theorist Sicko Sully's attacks on Sarah Palin and her family have always been petty and mean-spirited, but the dope-smoking blogger has hit a new low by charging that the name "Trig" given their Down Syndrome son was chosen by Todd and Sarah to mock their own baby:
"The medical term for Down Syndrome is Trisomy-21 or Trisomy-g. It is often shortened in medical slang to Tri-g."
At the Washington Examiner, Mark Hemingway placed a wake-up call to The Atlantic's editors:
"At what point does Andrew Sullivan's derangement over Sarah Palin and his bizarre conspiracy theories about how her son was really birthed by her daughter become an issue for an otherwise respectable publication such as The Atlantic?"
All Palin supporters should add their voices to Hemingway's and call for the employers to take immediate action against the piece of filth named Andrew Sullivan who blogs under their banner. It's far past time for this maniac to go. Contact information for The Atlantic is here, and the masthead is here.

Update: For those not offended by strong language, Ace carves up Sully like those chefs do meat in Japanese steak houses here.  Boom! Taste his ginsu stick...

- JP


  1. Task Complete.

    I emailed it a moment ago.

    Thanks for the heads up.

  2. Hi Everyone,

    I sent an email that bounced back. We may need to hand write our letters. If any one gets through, let me know.


  3. Sorry

    Post Three from me. I had a missing "s" in permission. It does work.

    Here's what I wrote

    In my seventh grader, public school grammar book, there is a section that talks about government and individual rights. Under the Freedom of the Press section, are written these words, "Freedom to print books, newspapers,and magazines. (in bold) No one may print things that hurt American citizens."
    More than once Mr. Sullivan has overstepped that line in the course of his duties. Mostly in regard to Sarah Palin and her son Trig.
    I wonder if Mr. Sullivan has children that he would like publicly demeaned?
    Your magazine parades itself as journalism. If it is journalism then live by it's creed. Clean your office and Fire Mr. Andrew Sullivan.

    Feel free to copy if you like
