Friday, January 15, 2010

The Hound of the Bloggervilles

We tried doing this the nice way. We really did. We removed inflammatory comments and posted a call for a show of respect. Sadly, it was to no avail. It's hard to get a dog to listen when he's too busy barking, it seems.

So here are two excellent comentaries on the hysterical, Palin-biting, CPAC-defending, mindlessly-barking David Keene Terriers (A David Keene Terrier -- also known as "CPAC Water Dog" -- is a hound about the size of a Jack Russell Terrier, but with none of the latter breed's virtues).

From our Blogs 4 Palin colleague Jerry Wilson at Goldfish And Clowns:
"There’s another aspect to the 'Palin’s personally insulting me by not going to CPAC' meme that’s more than a tad disturbing. In recent days a rather nasty fuss has been raised by those complaining about Palin’s perceived snub, centered on whining about Palin supporters being this lot of mindless drones who worship the ground she walks on, believe she gives infallibility lessons to the Pope and must be immediately defended to the death and beyond against any and all critiques. In fact, the kvetchers are the ones behaving like those who Jesus referenced with the illustration of children in the marketplace whining about people not following their song’s lead. Certainly there is an element, as is present with every public figure, within the Palin posse of those who believe she can do no wrong. However, dismissing her supporters en masse due to the excesses of a few is condescending and just plain rude."
And from the esteemed David L. Riddick, posting from across the pond on Conservatives 4 Palin:
"Poor Allah... he bleeds for other bloggers who, in merely trying to be helpful to Palin by questioning her motives, her judgement and her political common sense over the CPAC and the Tea Party Convention affair, have been shocked and wounded by respondents who have questioned the bloggers’ own motives and judgement. It is classic Allah, a cri de coeur, glistening with heartfelt sincerity, pleading the unfairness of bombing the bomb throwers."
Meanwhile, those fiendish capitalists from Tea Party Nation are sending out e-mails urging people to donate to and volunteer for Scott Brown's campaign. Yes, but what's their real motive in doing this? It simply must be nefarious, because someone with a dull axe blade told some bloggers that those evil TPN people cannot be trusted. Their eyes are too close together or something... 

- JP


  1. Thanks for this, Josh. Wish I could contribute a similar piece but we're a bit busy here in Kentucky fighting the Campaign for Liberty machine candidate endorsed by Erick Erickson and other "grassroots" bloggers who don't actually live here.

  2. Thanks for the mention. The post by Mr. Riddick demonstrates why he is esteemed. I am NEVER getting on his bad side!

  3. Thank you Josh from a C4P barbarian and a Texas for Sarah Palin daily reader and fan.
