Tuesday, January 26, 2010

More Quote of the Day Honorable Mentions, Part 23

Taste My Night Stick Edition...

Dennis Miller:
"Is Steve Schmidt, her big detractor over there on the McCain campaign, is he a genius? Was that a great campaign? How has Barack Obama's first year been working out for everybody? He's a genius. Everybody happy with that? I think Sarah Palin is about as smart as she needs to be for that gig."
Stella Paul:
"Sarah Palin will become the people’s president this year, the leader most Americans turn to for emotional comfort, moral guidance and national unity when crises strike."
Gary P. Jackson:
"Sarah Palin slapped Barack Obama down just about as hard as one can metaphorically slap someone down over his complete and total failure to do his job of keeping America safe... Sarah’s latest hits that sweet spot just as well as Reagan used to. And she’s had Obama’s number since day one."
Media Absurdity:
"Matthews bashes her consistently and has for the last year and a half, but as of the end of December, he was averaging, oh, about 58,000 viewers and his numbers seem to be steadily declining... Palin appeared on Glenn Beck’s show... that coincidentally attracted over three million viewers; how many times does 58,000 go into three million?"
Dan Fogarty:
"Sarah Palin made her debut on Mediate’s Power Grid this week, and not surprisingly, immediately claimed the number one spot among TV Pundits. Ms. Palin dominated the category, placing number one among in TV mentions, web buzz, news buzz, and blog buzz."
Dan Gillmor:
"And suddenly we're supposed to believe [the McCain Campaign] because they're saying something terrible about Sarah Palin? I don't think so! And especially when they're doing it anonymously. She's right that these people are cowards. She's absolutely right about that. It doesn't mean what they're saying is false, but I don't believe it. I refuse to believe it, because these people don't have enough courage to say... who they are. I would not trust these people for a second. So I'm absolutely with her on this issue."
Rodger the Real King of France:
"The only way the GOP can regain it's vitality IMO, is to give Sarah Palin (sorry, but I can't think of anyone else I'd trust) the job of restructuring the party from the top down. Restructuring means replacing the apparat with Tea Party veterans. Axe-chop-whack."
Steven Ertelt:
"Former vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin has a message for the mainstream media and abortion advocates. In a new note encouraging pro-life advocates at the March for Life, the former Alaska governor says pro-life people won't "get over" abortion because abortions hurt women."
Big Hollywood:
"Lopez is looking for her comeback and there’s no trashier, cheaper, faster or more effective way to impress the Hollywood Frat House crowd than to call the mother of five children a 'b!#@h' on a nationwide cable channel."
Jonathan Curiel:
"In San Francisco, I haven’t seen too many bumper stickers saying 'Palin for Prez in 2012,' but if you’re looking for a gauge of America’s current political temperature, look no farther than liberal San Francisco, where Sarah Palin – yes, that Sarah Palin – has a widespread fan base. In the city that begat the Summer of Love and jump-started the counter-culture movement, the conservative ex-governor of Alaska has become a much-admired figure – among both women and men."
Jennifer Rubin:
"The press went to the mat for Obama, yet now we learn that even during the campaign, there were signals that he lacked some important presidential qualities... This is as much an indictment of Obama as of the sycophantic press that raised nary a critical word during the campaign and instead spent its investigative energies and venom on Sarah Palin (who turned out to be more in sync with the electorate on health-care reform, climate change, and anti-terrorism policy than the suave sophisticate whom the press raved about)."
Tim Blair:
"One reason Democrats keep getting hammered at state level is because voters don't trust Obama's plans to reshape the US healthcare system. Some credit here must go to Alaskan grandmother and prominent Facebook identity Sarah Palin, who coined a phrase that perfectly summarised fears of a state-run health service - 'death panels'. It's curious that Palin, alleged word-mangling dope, should have come up with one of the year's more memorable (and politically alert) lines. Meanwhile, nobody can recall anything super orator Obama ever says, despite him hauling those teleprompters of his all over the planet for speech after speech after speech."
Another Black Conservative:
"Well, Ms. Dobson, apology not accepted... You knock Sarah Palin as being a dumb soccer mom, but had you had three functioning brain cells, you would have noticed that Sarah Palin predicted exactly what Obama was going to be all about during her convention speech. How is it a supposed mental giant like you could not plainly see what poor rube Sarah Palin figured out in 5 seconds flat?"
"We haven’t talked to her in person since the last time we saw her in Lakewood, Ohio right before the 2008 election. Essentially, we want to encourage her to run for President, and will look her in the eye and swear to her that we’ll do everything in our power to make sure she’s the next occupant of the Oval Office in 2013. We also want to thank her for being awesome, and for tossing so many ninja throwing stars at Dr. Utopia. Honestly, we love this woman."
"[Christopher] Buckley probably cringes at the sound of their names, but Sarah Palin and Joe the Plumber read Obama like a book. They were exactly right and Buckley was as wrong as he could be. Writing some mediocre satire will not make things right. It's just... annoying."
Patrick S. Adams:
"First of all, everyone that knows Adrienne knows that she stands for nothing but good, and a comment about putting a dog down is simply a rhetorical statement, not a threat or advocacy of violence. Bree Palin and Palingates are just loons looking for any reason to start trouble. They may be reconsidering that now that they hear the sound of an unexpectedly high number of rhetorical swords being unsheathed across the blogosphere. The Palin army is bigger than they are and bigger than they think. If they want to bring down Palin, they will have to go through us. And as in Adrienne's case, we got each others' backs."
Ani Ai:
"Sarah Palin has a habit of getting to the heart of the matter, deflating the b.s. balloon, or going for the jugular, depending on your perspective. This is her latest message to President Obama, posted on her Facebook page tonight. It upsets the apple cart of the denial-type spin that Obama’s surrogates have been spouting on the Sunday morning talk shows."
"Sarah Palin vs. Barack Obama: A tale of the tape... I'll sum up the highlights for you: Palin's smokin' hot, is pro-life, has more executive experience, her political affiliation matters less to her than cleaning up corruption and eliminating earmarks (unlike Obama), she's far more honest, she didn't attend a radical Black church for 20 years and claim she didn't hear anything controversial, and actually does support the troops as opposed to Barack Obama who almost visited wounded troops in Germany, but decided to go shopping in Berlin instead."
Mark Steyn:
"The Barack Obama who showed up last Sunday to help out Martha Coakley was a sad and diminished figure from the colossus of a year ago. He had nothing to say, but he said it anyway... The most striking aspect of his performance was how unhappy he looked, as if he doesn’t enjoy the job. You can understand why. He ran as something he’s not, and never has been: a post-partisan, centrist, transformative healer. That’d be a difficult trick to pull off even for somebody with any prior executive experience, someone who’d actually run something, like a state, or even a town, or even a commercial fishing operation, like that poor chillbilly boob Sarah Palin. At one point late in the 2008 campaign, when someone suggested that if Governor Palin was “unqualified” then surely he was too, Obama pointed out as evidence to the contrary his ability to run such an effective campaign. In other words, running for president was his main qualification for being president."
Gary P. Jackson:
"Sarah Palin Delivers The Real State Of The Union Address"
- JP

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