Friday, January 22, 2010

RINO alert? No, PDS Alert!

We received this e-mail alert today from the Chairman of the 2012 Draft Sarah Committee, Randy Highsmith:
Paul Streitz, co-founder of the 2012 Draft Sarah Committee, who has not held a leadership position with the Committee for almost a year now, sent out an email last night voicing his disapproval of Governor Palin’s recent decisions. If you have received his email, you were probably under the impression that he was speaking for us, for he phrased it in such a way as to give that impression. However, he was not—in any way, shape, or form—speaking for the 2012 Draft Sarah Committee. He was speaking for himself. We do not, as a Committee, support his perspective or condone his approach.

Governor Palin has always acted on principle, which is one of many reasons we have supported her so vehemently and will continue to do so.

Randy Highsmith
Adrienne Ross, the Committee's Media Director and New York State Organizer, posted a more detailed refutation of Strietz, which can be perused on her blog Motivation Truth and several other websites to which she is a contributor. She says, in part:
Governor Palin, a RINO? Are you kidding me?

I have very little tolerance for backstabbers.


Paul Streitz should note that true character is revealed, not necessarily when we agree with someone, but in areas where we may disagree. The way we deal with those situations says a lot about who we really were all along. When disagreements lead to backstabbing, undermining, and trying to rally others to buy into it, I have to wonder if the knife was waiting in the back pocket all along.
These are very strange times. From the beginning, Sarah Palin was loathed and attacked by the Alaskan corruptocrats in her own party. When she moved onto the national stage, liberals and their captive media joined in on the attacks. Then, the elitist chattering class -- in the form of Peggy Noonan, David Frum, et al -- piled on.

The next bunch to turn against Palin were a faction of libertarians who are soft on the war on terror, and certain isolationist paleoconservatves quickly followed.

Now we're seeing the extreme far right absolutists going after Governor Palin and ridiculously attempting to brand her a "RINO."

Curiously, the radical Left considers Sarah Palin to be a "far right winger," while at the same time the far right wing insists that she is a "liberal RINO." How can they both be right? They can't. They can, however, both be wrong, and so they are.

One of the things we love about The Arctic Fox is that she attracts all the right enemies and tends to make their heads explode. Palin Derangement Syndrome -- It's not just for Leftists anymore.

- JP


  1. Palin supporters are entirely self-selecting, so it's no surprise that as Palin asserts herself some will fall by the wayside, some louder than others. It's going to happen, perhaps more and more, but it's entirely healthy for ad hoc organizations.

    Streitz demonstrates that he is out on the skinny branches, sawing away. One wonders what his next cause celeb will be, and if he will transform into an ill-tempered butterfly flitting around the Palin camp.

  2. How does expressing loyalty make Palin a RINO? It doesn't, and Paul Streitz knows this.

  3. It is about loyality. McCain was the one who picked her and brought her onto the national stage in the first place. It was McCain who had every confidence in her and defended her during the campaign. I'm not a fan of McCain, but I understand perfectly what Sarah's reasoning is for campaigning for McCain. One characteristic of Palin that many of her supporters admire is her sense of integrity and willing to do the right thing. True Sarah Palin fans would feel betrayed if Palin turned her back on McCain in order to concentrated on her saving her image for a future presidential run. Once again, it comes back to integrity and loyality. As long as she doesn't support OTHER candidates like McCain, this really is no big deal.

  4. What is the big deal about Palin endorsing McCain? She campaigned for McCain for two months for President. I am not a big McCain fan. I will still support Palin though. The truth on Palin is that she is a pragmatic conservative. So both the far right and far left are wrong about her. Even Reagan did some things that would anger conservatives.
