Friday, November 20, 2009

The Sarah Palin Factor, Second Night

There was more with Sarah Palin on the O'Reilly Factor Friday night, and Freedom's Lighthouse has the videos of her appearance here.

The 2008 GOP vice presidential candidate will also be featured on The Factor Monday night.

- JP


  1. Bill OReilly is so full of himself. I thought
    Palin did well when she was allowed to speak
    without the BOOR interrupting and talking down
    to her. And the liberal woman critiquing her
    was unnecessary. The one area where I thought
    Palin missed a "gotcha" moment with BOOR was
    when she said noone questioned Biden's experience and BOOR jumped on her over it...She
    could have said, "I don't only think of experience as many years in one office; I think think real experience should include "executive" and I have that".
    I do not watch his program because I think he is pompous and his show is only all about him. However, as I did in watching Oprah
    when Palin was on, I will be glad to sacrifice for the Palin cause and will watch Monday night.
    I wonder what the supposed "gotcha" moments for the interview will be hilighted by the lamestream (love that term) press.
    One other thing.....I noticed when Palin was
    sitting down that she sunk back in her chair and
    that OReilly was sitting close to her and leaning
    in. A tactic that Palin should avoid in the future as it is a classic move to intimidate.
    Shame on BOOR!!!

  2. Actually Bill has done a great job in his interview. He has to ask Palin tough questions. If he doesn't, he'll be accused of protecting her by asking her softball questions. If Sarah wants to be considered as a possible 2012 contender, she had to answer the tough questions basically "trial by fire". I saw last night's show. Bill had on a liberals talk show host that nobody has ever heard of after Palin's interview. The only major criticism that the "liberal talk show host" could come up with was with Sarah resigning as Governor!! That in itself says that Sarah is doing well.

  3. I have would like to know if any of the
    interviewers asked Palin about her record
    in Alaska either as mayor, governor or head
    of Oil & Gas?

  4. I agree Amanda, the double standard might as well be in huge neon lettering. On paper, Sarah Palin was more qualified then Barack Obama to be president. The people who have a deep hatered for Palin can't say anything negative about her record as the mayor of Wasila or as Governor or Alaska, they don't know her record. It is all person hatered, because they fear her being able to take down Obama.

  5. I am curious why the interviewers on the
    conservative side or at least not far left don't ask more questions
    about her record in Alaska?

    I understand why they didn't ask Obama about his record since
    he didn't have one. And living in Illinois I
    can confirm that he voted "present" most all the
    time; I receive the newsletter that informs us
    of the voting decisions made.

    I would think that persons who don't use the
    internet as their research arm, and might be
    on the fence about her, would think differently
    if they knew details about her record. That
    is how I became a supporter of hers and others.
    I did the research.
