Saturday, November 21, 2009

A Million Stronger

Wednesday, the Wall Street Journal's Washington Wire reported:
Sarah Palin’s memoir just hit the stands today but demand for Going Rogue: An American Life is so strong that HarperCollins Publishers is going back to press for an additional 100,000 run, bringing the total number of hard-covers in print to 1.6 million copies.
But just two days later HarperCollins again revised its projected sales forcast upward for Going Rogue:
Going Rogue was released this week and its print run already has been increased from 1.5 million copies to 2.5 million, HarperCollins announced Friday.
Also, it has been rumored that sales of aftemarket keyboards have correspondingly gone through the roof as liberals furiously pound out their frustrations due to Sarah Palin's success with more hateful columns, blog posts, etc., etc. etc.

- JP

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