Saturday, September 26, 2009

Olbermann still pushing "kill him" lie a year after it was discredited

Hysterical MSNBC moonbat Keith Olbermann is still pushing the discredited "kill him" meme nearly a year after it has been debunked by the Secret Service. Last week on his ratings-challenged cable television program, Olbermann and guest Melissa Harris-Lacewell, a Princeton University professor, were rationalizing ways to justify labeling any criticism of president Obama as "racist" when the unhinged host dredged up a favorite moonbat meme -- "kill him." After showing a video clip of Sarah Palin criticizing Obama for his connections to unrepentant domestic terrorist Bill Ayers, Olbermann commented:
"So when calls to kill him rang out at some GOP rally, who could legitimately claim that it had to be isolated from that context?"
But only one lone person at the rally, a liberal reporter, claims to have heard that shout. It is absent from video and audio recordings of the event, and the Secret Service, after having investigated the allegation, dismissed it:
Agent Bill Slavoski said he was in the audience, along with an undisclosed number of additional secret service agents and other law enforcement officers and not one heard the comment.

“I was baffled,” he said after reading the report in Wednesday’s Times-Tribune.

He said the agency conducted an investigation Wednesday, after seeing the story, and could not find one person to corroborate the allegation other than Singleton.

Slavoski said more than 20 non-security agents were interviewed Wednesday, from news media to ordinary citizens in attendance at the rally for the Republican vice presidential candidate held at the Riverfront Sports Complex. He said Singleton was the only one to say he heard someone yell “kill him.”

“We have yet to find someone to back up the story,” Slavoski said. “We had people all over and we have yet to find anyone who said they heard it.”
But Olbermann, like all good leftists, knows his Lenin:
"A lie told often enough becomes the truth."
And so, for nutroots bloggers who hang on Olbermann's every word for inspiration, this discredited lie has become their truth. That he and they still invoke it nearly a year after it has been discredited only shows how divorced from reality these moonbats have become.

- JP


  1. Olbermann's MO is "If at first you get laughed out of the room, lie, lie again.".

  2. I see the old rape kit, book banning, troopergate, I can see Russia from my house, and other assorted lies still being pushed forward by the loony left, including the DNC, and even some of the republican elite as well. Come 2012 they'll just be left with rehashing tired old stuff from 2008, and it's not going to wash. Palin will have 3+ years of solid op/eds, speeches, etc. to run on, plus the pipeline, and other things she did as governor. Her book will also be out there. 0bama will be reduced to defending his failed policies.
