You're not gonna believe the latest moonbat madness from the circle of jerks up in Alaska who have nothing better to do with their wretched lives than smear-blog against Sarah Palin. BTW, we came up with their acronym -- ACRID, for Alaskan Creeps Regurgitating Internet Delusions.
Before we tell you what has their little moonbat wings all aflutter, we have to prepare you. Please fully extinguish any cigars or cigarettes. If you are enjoying your morning coffee or some other beverage, please finish it off and place the container out of reach. Please return your chair to its upright position and cover your keyboard with a towel or some other protective shield. Blow your nose. Ready for it? K, here we go...
According to Alaska Report, the reason Sarah Palin has not been seen in public lately is -- get this -- she had plastic surgery "on her crow's feet." That, Zany Zaki concludes, is why she was last seen wearing sunglasses. Like all of ACRID's clownish conspiracy theories, this is being regurgitated on each of the circle of jerks' websites.
Cosmetic surgery? Does this (photo was taken just six weeks ago) look like a woman who needs cosmetic surgery?

We neither. We were somewhat at a loss to find an explanation for how this latest of their wacky conspiracy theories got started, but then it hit us. They're projecting again! LOL, what are these "useful idiots" smoking? Do they get their pot, like they get their delusional conspiracies, from "Smokin" Andrew Sullivan?
Yo, moonbats, here's a crash course for you. Our women don't need no steenking plastic surgery:

If you're looking for women who are cosmetically challenged, we suggest you look a little closer to home:

That's all for today boys and girls. Tomorrow's lesson is when you disagree with someone on a specific political issue (like health care, for example), it's not racism. Since you obviously haven't been doing your homework, there will be a quiz.
- JP
Wait a minutes, wasn't there last rumor that she was in a hospital for a nervous breakdown? What a bunch of pathetic loons. I'd almost feel sorry for them if they weren't such slime.
ReplyDeletehahahaha Excellent!
ReplyDeleteWhen you're hot, you're hot.
When you're not, you're not!
My money was on those hallucinators dreaming up some sort of earthquake/ tsunami/ shark attack/ bubonic plague/ falling asteroid of a story.... and all they got is crow's feet? Sheesh. Perhaps this is just another of those rumors from the inscrutable "my source", and maybe this one will melt spontaneously as well?
ReplyDeleteOh, the picture comparison, that's just not nice. Hilarious, but not nice. You should be ashamed. (snicker, snicker)
ReplyDeleteYou forgot Dowd and Huffington unless they are one in the same.
ReplyDeleteI think I'm going to hurl!!!
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