Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Quote of the Day (September 23, 2009)

Simon, at Classical Values, points to the comment from Melvin Goodé, an apparent Obama supporter who was in the audience for Sarah Palin's speech and said, "She was articulate and she held her own. I give her credit. They've tried to categorize her as not being bright. She's bright":
"Over a year of blackening Sara's reputation down the tubes in one short quote. I have always thought that the Democrats severely underestimated Sarah. Hopefully the Democrat politicians will stay stuck on stupid."
Count on it, Simon. Leftist mad dogs like Oliver Willis will continue to overreach in their personal attacks on Sarah Palin, driving even greater numbers of independents (who are fed up with hearing that crap) right into Sarah's camp. No, the Left won't stop making personal attacks on former Governor Palin. Doing the same thing over and over while hoping for different results is just stupid. And as Texan Ron White says, "You can't fix stupid."

- JP

1 comment:

  1. Thanks!

    What amazed me even more was that it was in a NYTs story. I wonder why they did that. Unless we have a mole in the organization. Heh.

    What amazed me also was that this counter to "she is stupid" is not front page news all over the right-o-sphere.
