Saturday, September 5, 2009

More on the Vanity Fair/Levi FAIL

Reaction from the blogs...

"...if you want to talk crazy, how crazy is it to want so badly to paint Sarah Palin as crazy? She is your political opponent, Andrew, and you don't think she's good enough for high office. It's not so dramatic. It's utterly banal. Ironically, Palin draws energy from your overheated hatred. Have you heard she's about to make $100 million?"
Colleen O'Conner:
"Even worse, Levi says, is the fact that Sarah Palin kept bugging him to adopt his yet unborn child."

"We both kept telling her we were definitely not going to let her adopt the baby. I think Sarah wanted to make Bristol look good, and she didn’t want people to know that her 17-year-old daughter was going to have a kid."
"An equally plausible explanation might be that Sarah and Todd Palin clearly saw what their daughter did not—Levi Johnston’s less than sterling character."


"Putting up with a cad like Johnston just might make her 'Mother of the Year.'"
Adam Shaw:
"Levi Johnston (the father of Bristol Palin's child) has appeared in Vanity Fair, slagging her off as a bad parent. Yet the 'previews' VF give us aren't exactly groundbreaking or interesting and makes one wonder why VF spent such a huge amount of time and coverage on what really is a non-news story, amounting to nothing but the irresponsible bitching of a whiny teenager about his child's grandmother."


"How this counts as a serious scoop is beyond me."


"Again, it goes back to the left's determination to throw as much crap at Palin as they can, in the hope that some of it will stick. However, while it worked to an extent in the election, I think as more and more people hear Palin speak and read what she writes, and see this increasingly desperate smear campaign by the left for what it is, then Palin's standing will only increase."
"The only thing telling about Levi Johnston's tell-all interview in the latest issue of Vanity Fair is that he obviously doesn't care one whit about his one-year-old son, Tripp. If he did, he wouldn't be ripping the family of his son's mother apart for all the world to read."


"Who knows whether any of the slanderous muck is actually true..."


"I spoke with psychologist Dr. Michelle Golland to find out what effect Levi's choice to drag the grandparents of his only child through the mud would have on the family."
"It will make it harder to have smooth transitions of custody," predicts Golland. "Placing our anger and resentment in full view is difficult for children to have to bear."
"Are you listening, Levi?! It's not about YOU anymore and your need to get back at the Palin camp. You're a dad now. Stop acting like a big sleazy baby."
"Levi Johnston has hopped aboard the train of shame again this week, this time by joining in with closet socialists to derail the respected character and ethics of Former Governor Sarah Palin."


"Johnston allegedly claims that Sarah Palin wanted her and the “First Dude” to secretly adopt Tripp (Bristol and Levi’s out of wedlock child), so no one would know Bristol had been pregnant."

"This is of course a bag of lies. Sarah Palin honestly confessed that her daughter had fallen into premarital sins, but would still be giving birth. She did not hide behind the abysmal curtains of abortion or adoption like Obama liberals always force their daughters to do."
Melissa Clouthier:
"It’s no surprise that Vanity Fair, the least fair of glossy liberal publications, would give a nice splashy spread to useful idiot Levi Johnston."


"Levi Johnston says far more about the sorry state of modern media than he says about the Palin family. Levi Johnston says more about the American Idol culture than he says about the Palin marriage. Levi Johnston reminds all of us why many feel shame at weddings and family reunions. There’s one in every family."


"American youths are immersed in the fame-seeking culture. Children are rewarded for participation rather than achievement. They grow up singing karaoke and making stage characters on “Rock Band” for Wii. Is it any wonder that when a young man such as Levi Johnston gets on an actual stage, he thinks he’s a rock star?"
Dodo Can Spell:
"This low-life Johnston has been spreading the vilest of rumours about Palin and her family and the Left has been grooming and pampering him just like they did with Cindy Sheehan."


"The wacko is being manipulated by the Left and whatever "pearls" of lies that fall out of his mouth that can possibl[y] vilify Palin are quickly caught in the palms of Palin haters and swiftly strung into the most expensive of Pearl Necklaces."
Death By 1000 Papercuts:
"Nasty cynics claimed Palin used Trig. Nasty cynics, most likely, facing the same situation, would have aborted him, and thus, cannot comprehend Palin’s love for baby Trig."


"What’s truly been interesting is the amount of vitriol still leveled at Palin. During the election, intrepid journalists descended upon Palin’s tiny Wasilla, Alaska, in droves to dig through her trash and they’re still trying to trash Palin, with Levi Johnston, a 'witting' pawn."


"Liberals couldn’t attack Palin on her record but they could use the same tactics as the writer of the Reagan script, the producers, and CBS. Tactics such as depicting Palin as 'cartoonish', 'inept', 'shallow', 'intolerable', to name a few, and using Levi Johnston, who was probably paid a 'handsome' sum in his 'eyes'."
Dan Riehl:
"You might recall VF's last most famous couple, Valerie Plame and Joe Wilson. They didn't last too long after VF [for not Very Fair to Republicans] feted them."

"Now it appears as if Levi Johnston's fifteen minutes of fame might be just about up, as well."
- JP

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