Wednesday, September 9, 2009

More on Sarah Palin's Wall Street Journal Op-Ed

"The federal government has no place in making end of life decisions for Americans. Sarah Palin is, yet again, right on the money."
Gary P. Jackson:
"During the 2008 election Sarah Palin warned over and over about the perils of electing Barack Obama. Her warnings went unheaded, and everything she warned us about is coming to pass. This time, listen to what Sarah Palin is saying, and stop this massive government intrusion in our lives before it is too late."
"Just as she has done in the past regarding Obama's push for a government takeover of health care, she will drive the discussion with her latest article."
The Truth in Black and Right 
"I don’t know if she wrote this entirely on her own or not, but it wouldn’t surprise me if she did and it doesn’t bother me if she didn’t. Most politicians have writers (even “Teh One”), but that isn’t the point really... Unable to argue based on logic and policy the left always goes back to its standard approach of demonizing the opposition, insulting those who disagree, and disparaging any who oppose [them]."
Don Surber:
"10 years from now, I will retire at 66 and be signed up for Medicare. Why do I keep thinking Soylent Green?"
"Once again her timing reveals her as a point guard who has mastered when and where and how to move on the court. The common sense suggestions she mentions will resonate with Americans. She is driving the discussion. Obama’s speech now becomes a response to her editorial!"
"Liberal heads will now spin like the exorcist, then explode... What they will not do is address the substance of her points addressed in her WSJ piece."
The Lonely Conservative:
"The left will surely go ballistic over Sarah Palin’s latest op-ed published in The Wall Street Journal. Especially since she’s using common sense, something in short supply in Washington, DC these days."
Critical Narrative:
"This opinion piece probably reflects how a great deal of Americans feel, and the distrust that they have in the government-- not as an entity as the Left would have you believe, but in the federal government's efficiency and its ability to cost-control. Anyone that possesses even a little knowledge of history and bureaucracy knows the dubious history of the fed's track record in those departments."
Elkhart Review:
"The standard meme that this woman is an idiot needs to end, particularly in the face of this, in which Gov. Palin makes more sense than a hundred Nancy Pelosis. But then, for the left, it isn’t really about healthcare, is it?"
Pièce de résistance: Sen. Jim Demint:
"It's an excellent article. It actually focuses on some of the things introduced in the Health Care Freedom Plan... as common sense ideas to make the system work better, I'm glad to see her back in the fight."

A Just Dessert: Moe Lane tweets:
"Hi, Netroots. Sarah Palin is laughing at you for the way that you made her task easier."
- JP


  1. Thanks for the roundup, JP.

    But just signing in this morning, yahoo and AP seem to be ignoring it. Seems like the MSM is actually following Marc Ambinder's call to action over at Atlantic last night to ignore her WSJ article.

    Are we in kindergarten here? "I can't hear you! If I ignore you, you'll just go away, right?"

    That's the mentality of total government control supporters.

  2. Yeah, that Jim Demint segment on Greta last night was awesome! MSNBC lie debunked: Shannyn Moore, I didn't see that Republican running from Sarah as fast as he can, just a kool aid drinker from Homer!

    Looks more like they're running toward her, Huffy Puffy.
