Thursday, September 10, 2009

First Amendment: Obama is killing us softly with his czars

We've found another good must-read to recommend. It's from Pat Dollard:
The Obama administration, the self-proclaimed “most transparent” administration in history, has made destroying the first amendment an art form, however. The actions, policies, radical beliefs, and speeches of many in the administration should make even the most laid-back defender of free speech pee their pants in fear.

Nowhere is this more evident than the vast seas of “czars” that Obama has appointed. During the election, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh and some other folks on the right tried to make an issue of Obama’s continued propensity for aligning with radicals, terrorists, socialists, and communists throughout his career. People scoffed and told us that they didn’t care about such associations. Of course, even in the campaign, the only person making this case was Governor Sarah Palin. Senator John McCain, as part of his lifelong quest to become the media’s favorite Republican, remained largely silent on Rev. Wright, Bill Ayers, Bernadine Dorn, Father Pfleger, etc.

Now, as President, Obama has continued these associations. 


So, what’s wrong with all these czars? Nothing, besides the obvious fact that they are not confirmed by the senate, are really accountable to nobody other than the Bamster, and have a secretive and undefined role.
Dollard takes a close look at three of these czars -- Van Jones, Mark Lloyd and Cass Sunstein -- each of whom has radical views of first amendment rights and personal liberties.  Conclusion:
The First Amendment is being slowly and methodically strangled to death by the Obama administration. Following closely the teachings of Marx and Alinsky, Obama has continued to pursue a very extreme agenda and to appoint well-out-of-the-mainstream radical anti-American communists and extremists.
This is what Glenn Beck has been hammering away at for the past two weeks. It's why Sarah Palin asked her Facebook supporters to watch Beck's program.  We're reminded of a brief, but profound moment in the days of the nation's infancy:
In 1787, when the Founding Fathers had hammered out the U.S. Constitution in Independence Hall in Philadelphia, Benjamin Franklin told an inquiring woman what the gathering had produced, 'A republic, madam, if you can keep it.'"
Perhaps for the first time in American history, we have a president whose actions have challenged us to seriously consider what we must do to keep Mr. Franklin's republic.

- JP

1 comment:

  1. I don't know what it was like during FDR's time but it certainly does seem like this is the first time in American history that we have had to consider what it takes to "keep Mr. Franklin's republic." It reminds me of something Mark Levin said today on his radio show. He said (paraphrasing) that it's much harder to get freedom back once it's taken away, and this administration is taking it away with each proposed bill.

    If we're not careful we could see our country change to the point where it's not even recognizable.
