Saturday, September 12, 2009

Eternity Road: Obama's Nemesis Is Citizen Sarah

Francis W. Porretto, blogging at Eternity Road, says Obama's two principal nemeses are Sarah Palin and Rush Limbaugh (although Glenn Beck is becoming an ever-increasing menace to their collective plans). Since there isn't much chance of El Rushbo (or Beck) making a run for president in 2012, it is Sarah Palin who bears the brunt of most of the invective being hurled from the White House, the DNC and the Democrat-Media Complex (DMC).

Whether the 2008 GOP vice presidential candidate intends to contend for her party's nomination for president doesn't really matter. She is the Republican front runnner, and she is one of few in the GOP who are showing the political courage to stand against the red tide the leftist moonbats are trying to raise against this nation. So the aforementioned usual suspects, plus hundreds of nutroots blogs you never heard of and some you probably have are waging an all-out campaign against her:
Today, Palin exercises great influence over our national discourse whenever she speaks. She's a likely candidate for the presidency in 2012...and should Barack Hussein Obama continue on his present course, she could be defeated only by an assassination.

The Left is painfully aware of Palin. They view her as the personification of conservative Americanism, the embodied antithesis of their agenda, and desperately want to see her marginalized, if not destroyed. Nothing else would account for the continuing campaign of calumny major leftist mouthpieces are conducting against her.

It's not working. Using only her established public profile and a modest page on FaceBook, Palin continues to rally Americans against the Obamunist agenda and toward a conservative revival. No volume of baseless accusation, no amount of denigration as a mere "beauty queen," has stopped her. It seems doubtful that anything could.

But then, what does the Left have with which to oppose her? Military enfeeblement? Kowtowing to foreign tyrants? Subsidies for abortionists and illegal immigrants? A regimen designed to choke off all new exploration, development, and distribution of watts and BTUs? Multi-trillion-dollar deficits? An empty suit who promotes a fascism so thoroughgoing that federal bureaucrats would rule on what medical treatments Americans could receive?
And so an audience of more than 32 million who were watching Obama's speech for health insurance reform to a joint session of Congress on Wednesday were witness to the spectacle of a sitting president calling citizen Sarah Palin of Wasilla, Alaska, a liar. Indeed, if a previously little-known Congressman had not shouted out two words for which he would subsequently feel the need to apologize for, Obama's thinly-disguised slap at the former governor would have been the story of the week.

Still, there can be little argument that it is Sarah Palin who is driving the debate over health care, and she has the mighty president and his minions on the defensive simply by virtue of her political instincts, laptop computer, some basic research and a Facebook account. It would be a compelling political story to tell, were not the legacy media safely tucked away in President Obama's vest pocket.
"Your enemy is your teacher," wrote Orson Scott Card in his award-winning novel Ender's Game. The instruction an enemy provides is of several kinds. Not to be neglected is what he most fears... and the Left is terrified to incontinence of Sarah Heath Palin.
- JP

1 comment:

  1. Campaign for the HCare 2009-10

    Palin from Facebook $0

    OB from HHouse,at Town Hall, TV, Flying the Country, Podcast,Internet,Ads,etc.

    Cost to America $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
