Monday, April 12, 2010

Sorry, Charlie.Sarah Hearts Marco

If the results of the latest Rasmussen poll ( Rubio 58 percent, Crist 28 percent) aren't enough to make Florida's governor cry, Sarah Palin's response to a question shouted while she was signing autographs in New Orleans may bring on the tears of a clown.

Sorry, Charlie-The-Tanned-Tuna... Sarah says she loves Marco, and she even appears to be willing to campaign for him, telling the conservative challenger in a very animated way, "Call me":

Exit question (as Allah-The-Palin-Piqued-Pundit says): Is this a real endorsement?

- JP

1 comment:

  1. Nope, it sounds to me like Sarah says "Call me."

    Which says to me that Rubio has not called her.

    Which reinforces my theory that the Huck and Jeb machines have told him not to.

    He's their man, bought and sold.

    And Sarah does not bully her way into high-profile campaigns.

    She only goes where she's invited.

    See Christie. McDonnell. Brown. Rubio.
