Monday, April 26, 2010

Some blog reaction to NY Mag's latest Sarah Palin hit piece

Here's our obligatory post on the latest New Yuck magazine hit piece on Sarah Palin -- just some quotes from eight bloggers who pretty much have it nailed down, presented in our familiar quote-tastic format. We don't want to give the smear job any more space than we feel obligated to:

Ian Lazaran at Conservatives 4 Palin:
"Sherman's article is just the latest from the radical left that focuses on the amount of money that Governor Palin has made in the last year. The left's motive for focusing on Palin's wealth is pretty clear. They are trying to create the narrative that Palin is a hypocrite for making a lot of money. In the eyes of the radical left, her wealth contradicts the "hockey mom" image that she has conveyed to the public. That the left believes in this narrative shows how poorly they understand how conservatives/Republicans view wealth/money as opposed to [elitists]. The left is conflating wealth/money with elitism."
Noel Sheppard at NewsBusters:
"The piece concluded with Johnston's negative opinions of the former governor, which seemed peculiar for Sherman to give this lowlife so much print space. Regardless, when I got the tip from Twitter that this article was going to be published on the Internet Sunday evening, I expected to be wincing and cringing far more than I did. Or is this a case of having read so many Palin hit pieces in the past 20 months that I've grown desensitized like people that have seen so much violence on television that they're no longer affected by it?"
Gregory of Yardale at Moonbattery:
"Yes, it truly sucks that instead of going broke fending off nuisance 'ethics' complaints about her wearing an Arctic Cat parka at a snowmobile race or allegedly trying to fire a state trooper who smacked his wife around and tasered an eleven-year-old kid... Sarah Palin had the gall to actually go out and become a successful author and speaker. Now, which is more likely: 1. A liberal writer is genuinely concerned that the American body politic is being undermined by the crass commercialization of the right-wing point-of-view. 2. A liberal writer is insanely jealous that the only profitable media is on the right, and that Sarah Palin — who didn't even go to an Ivy League school — made twelve million dollars last year. Which do you think it is?"
Charlie Spiering at The Washington Examiner:
"Its an interesting read, but its difficult to take it serious as each page has a 'Palinized' popular corporate logo. All right, we get it, you think that Sarah Palin is a hollow but successful corporate sell-out. Of course the author feels obliged to interview Levi Johnston who is still talking about his Playgirl photo shoot."
BostonBoomer at The Confluence:
"The Palin article by Gabriel Sherman is just one more nasty hit piece on the woman liberals love to hate... The article begins by retelling the *horrifying* story of Palin’s resignation as Governor of Alaska. And guess what? She did it to make money! So shocking in the current atmosphere of government fighting against public and corporate corruption. Oh wait… Oh and, Palin is stupid! But she still figured out ways to get really really rich! Because she’s “shrewd”–but still not intelligent... Oh yeah, and she gets $100,000 for a speech, just like George W. Bush and Rudy Giuliani... The horror!"
Taylor Marsh:
"There’s nothing really new in the article and there won’t be anything new in the reactions to Sarah Palin either. It’s one of the curiosities in covering Palin, if only from a distance, which is the only place a libertarian-leaning political analyst can do it. The range of emotions the Sarah inspires never ceases to amaze. I won’t say it’s sexism, but I’ve never encountered a self-made money making male political phenom that ever drew such total disrespect, not even getting credit for spinning gold out of hay."
Stacy McCain at The Other McCain:
"This kind of dishy 'behind-the-scenes' feature story wouldn’t be possible if it weren’t for the willingness of GOP insiders to badmouth Palin behind her back. And being badmouthed constantly by anonymous Republicans only increases Palin’s defensiveness. Why should she trust anyone, when it seems there is an incessant stream of tattletales running to whisper damaging gossip to reporters?"
Susan Duclos at Wake Up America:
"Her critics, her attackers, her haters, have made her a household name and instead of cringing, hiding or crying out at the unfairness of being attacked as she was and is, she capitalized on the left, she used them as stepping stones and the more ink they dedicated to her, the higher they lifted her up and the more money they made her. It isn't the amount of money she is accruing or the amount of name recognition she is obtaining that makes her a genius, it is her use of those that would tear her down, turning the tables on them and standing on their shoulders to lift her up even higher."
- JP


  1. 1. In the first line, you've got "New Yock magazine", instead of "New York magazine."

    2. The whole branding things is wholly without context else how can the author make this claim so loudly and without awareness that our current President is Brand Central?

    Hope. Change. Yes we can. The O symbol which, I believe, caused some momentary issues with Pepsi and their logo.

    Hiring a marketing/branding guy in David Axelrod to run your campaign.

    I repeat: How can you write an article who's theme is the branding of Sarah Palin and not. once. mention. Brand. Obama???????

  2. Yes, that was done intentionally... yock, yock.

    Perhaps it should have been "New Yuck" magazine. Hey, I like that. I going to change it...

    - JP

  3. OK, I'm not familiar with the "Yock" slang. Is it a Texas thing that this Connecticut Yankee hasn't heard?

    I am familiar with "Yuck," however. That sounds about right...
