Friday, April 23, 2010

Politico On Media: CNN's dirty old man takes flak for Palin comments

CNN's antidiluvian Larry King -- who has gone through something like, what, eight wives? -- had sicko comic Sarah Silverman as his guest Tuesday night, and somewhere from the deep recesses of her twisted mind, the godless Silverman expressed the warped notion that Sarah Palin should pose for Playboy. The horn dog host "Agreed." Politico's On Media reports that the two sewer dwellers' mindless chit chat has understandably drawn some fire:
Lulu Flores, president of the National Women's Political Caucus, told POLITICO that King's comments were, “waaaaayyy inappropriate.”

Referring to King's recent divorce filings to end his 8th marriage, Laura Ingraham said, "Larry, when you're in a hole, stop digging."

"Larry should pose for 'Viagra Monthly'," said Ann Coulter.
Politico provides a clip, but we like like this one of a virtual Gov. Palin guesting on a virtual Larry King Show better (Parental Alert: Language is not too bad, but still not for the kiddies):

- JP


  1. ....moose hunting with Dick Chaney and K.C? I'd like to see that!!! Lock and load. (Not that I know what that means but I like the sound of it)

    My other favourite was the bit about being on his show before he died!!

    Much better choice than the real thing JP.

  2. The phrase "lock and load" most likely originated with the fact that a flintlock rifle's firing mechanism should be locked before one attempts to load the powder, ball and wadding down the barrel and tamp it down ready for firing. Else, one risks the possibility of the gun firing prematurely and harming/killing the person loading the gun. Flintlocks were used during the American Revolutionary War.
