Monday, April 19, 2010

Liberal media ponders what's next for Sarah Palin

The liberal, lamestream media wants to know what's next for Sarah Palin, no doubt to plan their future attacks and smear jobs against her. Chuck Raasch, a national writer for the port-listing Gannett media chain, has a piece in the Detroit Free Press which cites polls and quotes consultants who say she can't possibly win, even though we're still well over two years away from the 2012 election. It's familiar stuff from the Democrat-voting media, and you've seen it so many times your eyes tend to glaze over.

Raasch does include a warning, however, one which we're increasingly seeing in the state-controlled media and hearing from some of the less-deranged voices on the left:
No matter what she decides to do, Palin should not be underestimated. If the Iowa caucuses and New Hampshire primaries again kick off the nominating process, she would start with momentum-building advantages no other candidate would have.

Palin’s appeal to evangelicals and fiscal conservatives would be formidable in Iowa, where the caucuses tend to be heavily attended by people with those political leanings.

”If she got into the race, at least in terms of Iowa, she would be the person to beat,“ said GOP pollster Ed Goeas.

And Democratic pollster Celinda Lake said that New Hampshire, where Hillary Clinton won a Democratic primary in 2008, has a tradition of being more receptive to female candidates than other early nominating states.
Ah, but there's no way she could win. After all, that's what all the experts were saying four and five years ago, before she upset Frank Murkowski in the GOP primary and went on to defeat the favored Democrat and an independent "spoiler" in the general election, making her the first woman to become Governor of Alaska.

- JP

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