"Dumpster Diving for Deranged Dingbat Democrat Dummies" Edition...

"Sarah Palin... sounds exactly like the Gipper ripping into Carter and his associated clowns and as usual, she's right on the money."
D. B. Light:
"She keeps getting better at this stuff. Note her reference to Todd's future duties as 'first dude'. She's definitely thinking about running. This is going to be interesting to watch."
Peter Wilson:
"One wonders why the Palin-haters wanted to spend such a beautiful day crashing a Tea Party. I felt especially bad for a boy in his early teens with his mother, carrying an Obama sign in a sea of thousands of cheering Palin fans. The poor kid looked like he would rather be in algebra class."Dan Riehl:
"The despicable Left seems intent on carrying over its tactics from Alaska to continue to try and damage Sarah Palin. My first real look at the ugly intolerance of the Left was on a college campus. Obviously, it's only gotten worse over the years. And they have no shame in attempting to persecute any opposition."Anglican Samizdat:
"What I would really like to see is the MSM’s reaction to Bill Maher calling Michelle Obama a MILF. Sadly, that isn’t going to happen, and the fact that he used the epithet about Sarah Palin has been largely ignored because – well, anyone can say anything they want about Sarah Palin. According to Maher, she is a moron. A moron who made 12 million dollars in less than a year; Maher’s net worth is only $13M. Perhaps he is envious."Patterico:
"Why Jerry Brown stepped into the Cal State-Sarah Palin event... Is this contract law vs open records? Foundation privacy vs the public’s right to know? Or is it really Jerry Brown vs Sarah Palin?"Bill Baker, J.D.:
"It looks like State Senator Leland Yee is neither a student of history nor one of the more intelligent politicians to find his way into the California State Legislature... Apparently... Yee thinks that diving into other people's garbage cans, possibly in violation of the law, to steal information about political opponents is acceptable, ethical behavior... It appears that the documents displayed by Yee and his dumpster diver minions may have been obtained in violation of Turlock Municipal Code Chapter 6-3 GARBAGE, RUBBISH, AND GARDEN REFUSE Article 4 Unauthorized Entry Into Refuse Containers."Downtown Eastside Enquirer:
"I've always thought the vilification of Palin in the media was rooted in classism... I recall when Palin was running as VP, I was listening to Ian Punnett hosting Coast to Coast radio, a guy who presents himself as a liberal Episcopalian minister. He opened the show by sneering at Palin for "dropping her g's" during a debate. He didn't talk about positions she took during the debate, just the fact that she was dropping her g's. I saw Punnett as a snob at that moment, and have never really shaken that impression of him."Jerry Fuhrman:
"Columnist Kathleen Parker is touted by her employer, the Washington Post, as being the paper's resident conservative. Never has she proven worthy of that attribute. In fact, she nearly always, as I see it, proves herself to be the opposite - just another ranting, unbalanced, liberal loon... The fact that this crazy leftist had to go back in history a quarter of a century (to the attempted assassination of Ronald Reagan, an act that had nothing to do with right-wing incitement and had everything to do with the ability of the criminally insane to walk freely in our streets) to make the thinnest of comparisons proves that to be the case. Yet Kathleen Parker sees bogymen in Sarah Palin's 'call to arms.' She could just as easily see little green men."S. E. Cupp:
"Tina Fey is quickly becoming a one-trick pony... Maybe if cultural arbiters like Fey stopped spotlighting the women who merely achieved infamy and started applauding the women who have actually racked up serious accomplishments - like Sarah Palin - she'd help impact the role of women in a positive way... But her near-constant slams against the women she (and most everybody else) feels are reprehensible make her jabs at Palin - the first female governor of Alaska, a successful businesswoman, wife and mother - all the more uncomfortable and confusing."Nonsensible Shoes:
"If it resonates in Canada, if she can reach blue collar workers in a country with already socialized health care, it's no wonder she resonates with Tea Party faithful... Despite the long odds attributed to her by the punditry, she's amassing an amazingly large war chest, and her personal negatives have moderated and should moderate further, despite the continuing media hit pieces borne of an intense dislike. Palin will continue to garner likability with her upcoming series on Alaska and continued exposure via personal speaking appearances. Counting her out for 2012 is a mistake."Conservative Brother:
"The left labeled Sarah as a 'quiter' for not staying on as Governor and going bankrupt in office. Once again, liberal logic never makes sense. Anyways, Sarah Palin has defied the left at every turn. Not only was she able to pay off her crushing legal debt, but she has reportedly made over twelve million dollars since resigning. In true to form fashion, the left is now harping on the success of Sarah Palin in her post-governor era since they never got the opportunity to harp on a bankrupt governor Sarah Palin like they wanted to. NBC's Andrea Mitchell on [the] Today show, attacked Sarah Palin for 'making millions on her book' and 'getting paid for her speeches'. So I guess it is ok for liberal women to fly in [Lear} jets but not conservative women? Here's the biggest outrage by Andrea. Sarah wants 'bendable straws' for her water bottles. You all heard right. How dare Sarah Palin ask for 2-cent bendable straws for her water bottle... Of course in the name of the liberal hypocrisy monster, Andrea would never disclose to her limited viewers how much her contract with NBC is worth. I'm sure that Andrea won't be doing any hit pieces on the millions that liberal women like Katie Couric, Barbra Walters, Oprah Winfrey and many many others make. Oh no, let's just focus on the outrage that a conservative woman dares to make money and enjoy it."Tea Party at Perrysburg:
"Does anyone expect Sarah Palin, who has been accosted and threatened, to fly coach? Yahoo is calling this her 'diva demands.' And bottled water. She wants bottled water. Wow. What a diva. With bendable straws. Can you imagine a photo of Sarah gugging down a bottle of water printed all over the world? There are reasons for these requests and they AREN'T diva demands. SECURITY and thinking about the future are the reasons. We'll see as the 'scandal' unfolds. What I want to know is why she doesn't have a whole ENTOURAGE of security guards."Don Surber:
"Much has been written about the money Sarah Palin is raking in from her book, speeches and an upcoming TV series she will produce. Barack Obama raked in $5.5 million in 2009 as president and no one said boo. I guess Sarah Palin is not allowed to make money as a private citizen. She is freaking them out again."John Hinderaker:
"Here is the problem: we live, thanks to the Left, in an era of identity politics. The common political syllogism runs, Mr. X is a member of group Y. Therefore he has political interests in common with other members of group Y and is entitled to certain benefits as a member of group Y. Worse, Democrats commonly hold that members of their constituent identity groups are obliged to favor political and judicial policies that advance the presumed interests of those groups. See, for example, the way they talk about Justice Thomas and Sarah Palin."- JP
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