Monday, April 12, 2010

Monday Morning Sarahcuda Bites for April 12, 2010

While the Left just loves Tina Fey's reprise of her Sarah Palin impersonation as guest host of SNL Saturday and can't stop talking about it on Al Gore's internets, real grown ups can see that the old Fey schtick ain't what she used to be. The Hillbuzz boyzz saw it coming before the show even aired:
"The funny thing is, the joke’s on you, Tina. You’re the one who said you’d never play Palin again if your life depended on it. Well, tonight you are playing Palin again apparently. Does your career depend upon it?"
And Big Hollywood says Tina Should have kept her word and kept the character retired, because what were once funny jokes are now simply mean-spirited insults:
"In 2008, SNL was able to affect the Presidential election with provocative original satire; you could debate what was in their messages, but not that the messages were delivered effectively. Now they’re just piling on with dated Palin-is-dumb jokes (such as a winking joke, a writing on hand joke, a death panel joke, a Katie Couric interview joke…). Yawn. Fake Sarah Palin has lost her edge."
We've noticed that the Left seems to go ga-ga over television characters and get more worked up over them than they do about real-life situations. They spent weeks defending the "Family Guy" Palin smear after Gov. Palin mentioned it once and had already moved on. Now the Tina Fey guest shot on SNL is the biggest thing on Planet Leftune for them. It must give them great comfort at a time when Sarah Palin pwned the entire Obama Administration on nuclear strategy.

Boston radio talker Michael Graham proves that "An Angry Progressive’s Picture Is Worth A Thousand 'Angry, Right-Wing' Words" (h/t: Glenn Reynolds).

Over on Planet Ronulus, the Ronulans willingly concede that Sarah Palin "definitely has the largest number of fans" on Facebook, but opine that the 2008 vice presidential candidate has "little appeal among middle of the road type people." Then they claim that this is "not a problem" for Ron Paul. Say what? We must assume Paul's great popularity with middle-of-the-roaders is what accounts for all the Primaries he won in 2008. Oh, wait...

At FiveThirtyEight, where they play with numbers in all sorts of interesting ways, Tom Schaller has calculated the "Borda Count" for the vote-getters in the Saturdays SRLC straw poll. These figures are arrived at by factoring the first-choice and second-choice preferences for each candidate. Here's what Tom came up with:

Check out the Geeks on Caffeine take on SarahPAC's "Take Back the 20" target map iconery. Heh. Speaking of SarahPAC, first quarter disclosure reports for PACs are due this week.

Even at this late date, people are still writing reviews of Gov. Palin's Going Rogue memoir. A brief review by the family-oriented Mourning to Dancing blog is here.

At Undernews, the online report of the Progressive Review, Sam Smith declares that "Liberalism is dead" and suggests a "progressive populist" approach instead:
"Unconvinced voters - from Tea Party members to the apathetic - would be regarded as a market and not a menace. It would be the job of the progressive populist politics to change their minds. This means replacing the MSNBC model of 'aren't they stupid' with what the Quakers called the concept of "reciprocal liberty," i.e. you can't have your freedom unless I have mine. In other words, all sides need to rediscover the idea of tolerance towards those with whom we disagree."

"There is nothing to be gained by simply being the mirror image of the Tea Parties, but a lot to be gained by changing the nature and tone of the debate. There is also absolutely nothing wrong with going after Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin, but to declare all their fans terminally ill is the death knell for one's own politics."
Good luck with that, Sam. The radical left, armed as they are with their Alinsky Rules, control all of the territory to the left of center, and they simply won't allow cooler heads to prevail. They're determined to go over the cliff, and anyone who doesn't want to get on board that bus will get thrown under it.

- JP

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