Saturday, November 14, 2009

Newsweek escalates its war on Sarah Palin

Allah's link at Hot Air -- "Newsweek declares war on Palin" -- is over a year behind the times. Newsweek declared war on Sarah Palin quite a while ago. This is just an escalation.

Meanwhile, Erick Erickson detects a twisted irony in Newsweeks's cover story title, "How Do You Solve A Problem Like Sarah?":
"The title comes from 'The Sound of Music' and the song 'How Do You Solve a Problem Like Maria?'" 

"Maria, you see, was the hero and protagonist of the musical and, later, the movie." 

"And Maria was pursued by the Nazis."
Which leads Erick to speculate that "perhaps Newsweeks’s red, black, and white masthead is appropriate."

And Newsweek's sub-head -- "She’s bad news for the GOP — and everyone else too" -- makes the mag a parody of its own propaganda. Dr. Goebbels would be proud.

- JP


  1. When Runners World (where this photo comes from) featured Gov. Palin, their newsstand sales increased 7 fold. When TIME put her on the cover a couple of months ago, a lot of places imposed a 2 copy limit per customer to keep from running out. I suspect NEWSWEAK features her on their cover to increase their falling sales. This will be an epic fail on their part, being a problem for both sides means she's doing something right. Coming just a few days ahead of the release of Going Rogue, and the book signing tour, all these AP, NEWSWEAK, and other MSM attacks, could actually result in a perfect storm, catapulting her way ahead of everyone else, and closing the gap on 0bama himself.

  2. And that cover photo will help them convince the world she is a problem exactly how?.
    You would think they would find a photo that would convince readers there is something wrong with her that makes her a problem wouldn't you? Maybe a photo of her bowing to a foreign leader (x2) might be more problematic perhaps!

  3. Newsweek's circulation must be really hurting. Stuff like this only helps Sarah's cause.

  4. Sarah caused Newsweek to put her on the cover, how cool is that!

    She has their heads spinning.

    The only way they can sell their Fake News, is a cover of Sarah.

    The Real News is that Newsweek fears that Sarah is unstoppable.

    Will Newsweek exist on January 20, 2013? Maybe, if they have a photo of Sarah on the cover every week until then.

    Huck, Mitt, and the gang are lining up photographers for their Newsweek cover shoot. They demand, "make me look like Sarah!" "Make the Democrat Media fear me!"

    The photographers hang up on them.

    (Note that Sarah is in front of the name "Newsweek." As it should be.

  5. A,
    If "they make [them] look like Sarah" does on the cover of Newsweak I would PAY to see that!!
    I can just picture Mitt and Huck dressed in running shorts, leaning against a chair wearing a huge smile!! Something out of Rocky Horror Picture Show springs to mind!!
