Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Mark Halperin: A Preview of Sarah Palin's Book

TIME magazine senior political analyst Mark Halperin, blogging on The Page, says that Sarah Palin's Going Rogue has begun shipping, and some of the former governor's associates have received their copies in advance of the November 17 release date.  Some of them have been talking, and from what Halpren says, it is for good reason that some McCain campaign staffers have been dreading the release of this book.  Here's what Halpren has learned about what's between the covers of the highly-anticipated memoir: 

* just five chapters—but they are very, very long.

* some score settling with McCain aides she believes ill-served her (names will be named).

* a hearty bashing of the national media.

* an account of how her upbringing shaped her maverick sensibilities.

* a testimonial to the importance of faith in her life.

* a warm and personal tone, written in Palin's own voice, despite the involvement of a collaborator.

Something tells us that the 1.5 million copies in the initial printing won't be enough to satisfy demand for this book.

Update: Moe Lane tips the hat to Andrew Malcolm:
"Andrew’s one of the few mainstream journalists who cares about the Wasilla Church Burning, so I think that we can safely assume that he’s enjoying the prospect of names being named, too."
Related: Perhaps due to these new details about Sarah Palin's book, Going Rogue, which had slipped to #2 behind the new Stephen King thriller, has jumped back to #1 on's Bestsellers in Books list.

- JP

1 comment:

  1. Hopefully, 1,500,000 will be enough for the people who attend the book signings.

    It might last through Christmas.

    Have they reordered yet?

    Will Going Rogue increase GDP, retail sales, and sales tax enough to move the statistics?

    How many jobs will Going Rogue create and save?
