Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mitt Romney flips; now praises Sarah Palin

After an attempted humor FAIL at Gov. Sarah Palin's expense a week ago, now Mitt Romney has flipped (What a shocker!) and is now saying nice things about the former GOP vice presidential nominee:
"Sarah and Rush are two of the most influential members of our party and thank heavens for that. Sarah Palin brought a lot of interest and excitement and a lot of people to our party. She plays an important role in our party."
Meanwhile, an odd-looking Romney operative has received the anvil he ordered from the Acme, Inc. catalog to drop on Alaska's governor at the next opportunity...

- JP


  1. I think Romney realized he stuck his foot in his mouth, and people took him to the woodshed for it.

    Someone over at C4P said that Bill Bennet has now flip flopped as well, and said his remarks were "musunderstood." Haven't seen anything about this from any other source, yet.

    There seems to be a pattern here, first people diss Palin, then a day or two later, they "clarify" their statements. I can't help but think that this is because they get hammered by the Growing Legions (really like that term.)

  2. It's would seem the brightest are pretty dim when compared to Governor Palin. It appears that WE THE PEOPLE perfer the citizen-politician example...over the Machiavellians. Duh.
