"My husband was just told that a news organization is snooping around …asking…. whether he told (asked?) Governor Palin to use her (Gov Palin’s) PAC to pay off Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s multi million dollar campaign debt. Now that might be a hot story to some — if it were true or even possible."Greta goes on to explain that not only is such a bizarre notion illegal, but her spouse has no formal connection to the governor or her PAC, and he has helped candidates from both major political parties.
You have to wonder what's in the Kool-Aid the drive-bys are drinking, and which news organization exactly was asking the question. My money's on the one that rhymes with "PMS 1-2-3."
- JP
It's interesting that at least someone in the media thinks that SarahPAC has taken in enough to pay off a multimillion dollar debt. You would think that the media type would know that a PAC can only donate $5,000 to a campaign. It would be nice if SarahPAC would take in $20 million or so, but to find out, we'll have to wait until late July.