Saturday, May 30, 2009

Rumor of the Week: Palin's veto will stand

Word on the street up Alaska way is that the leadership of the legislature will not try to overturn Gov. Palin's veto of $28.6 million in Obama administration stimulus funds earmarked for energy projects.

It's just a rumor, and it comes from a Palin-hatin' leftist biteblog. The unhinged anklebiters of Alaska don't exactly have a sterling reputation for veracity, so take it with a grain of salt. On second thought, take it with about a pound of salt.

But here's the real howler. Said Palin-hating leftist biteblog says the reason that the legislators won't challenge the governor's veto is -- get this -- " in order to let her save face after her dramatic announcement earlier this year that she would reject more than half of it."

Pardon me while I pick myself up off the floor and get back to the keyboard. Dang, I was laughing so hard that I fell out of my chair and really scared the cat. He's hiding under the bed, and he won't come out. But I digress...

This Palin-hatin' leftist biteblog expects everyone reading its rants to believe that the same legislature which allowed Hollis French to conduct a witch hunt and kangaroo court over an ethics investigation of Gov. Palin (because she and her husband wanted their family safe from a psychotic ex-brother-in-law who wears a badge and totes a gun) now wants to let her save face. Yes, the same legislature that refused to approve her choice for Alaska AG has suddenly had a change of heart and wants to give Gov. Palin a gift of atonement in the form of letting her veto stand. Gee, that's really sweet of them.

If you believe this, I know where you can buy some GM and Chrysler stock for $100 a share. Come to think about it, the sheeple who hang out at the Palin-hatin' leftist biteblogs probably will eat that one right up. Those who stand for something and don't fall for anything, however, will find a more reasonable explanation.

Could it be that the legislators, having had ample time to visit with the constituents back at home in their districts, have heard the will of the people not to take the federal money with the many strings attached and give the federal government even more control over their lives? That sounds a lot more plausible.

- JP

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