Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Sarah Palin vs. The Gang of Nine (Cont.)

The match between Gov. Sarah Palin and nine Alaska State Senate Democrats continues. Just in case you somehow missed the earlier rounds, this should get you up to speed.

Now the governor has made another pick whose name was not on the list of four names the Dems gave her. Why would she do this? If the Gang of Nine refuses to seat Joe Nelson, it puts them on the record as rejecting an Alaska native and makes them appear petty for passing him over in favor of one of Gov. Palin's most outspoken political enemies.

The former GOP vice presidential nominee is showing that she knows how this game of politics is played. Advantage: Sarah Palin.

- JP

1 comment:

  1. I love that my buddy's quote is popping up everywhere. In fact David has written a new Sarah Palin piece that you have to read entitled "Does Sarah Palin Still Matter?". He is definitely a fan so it is not some leftist liberal claptrap trying to shred her. So come over to http://www.blacknright.wordpress.com and give it a read. It is under Bozeman's Blog. He is also a member of A Black Conservative Digest, so join and you can chat with him there as well.
    Okay now that I have plugged me and David, my comment for your piece.

    I think Sarah Palin is severely underestimated. I think she is a lot more shrewd and vastly more intelligent than she is given credit for and I think should she decide to run once again in 2012 but this time for President, I would be more than happy to cast my ballot for her again! Heck, I was voting Palin/McCain last time, not the other way around.
