Wednesday, April 22, 2009

What's behind the fascination with Sarah Palin?

Mike Volpe takes a shot at explaining it at The Provacateur, In his opinion:
"'s because Governor Palin goes against almost all general types. She is unlike almost all politicos to ever come on the scene. First, she only recently gained any political ambition. Her entire career is mostly the result of accidents and happenstance. She didn't gain her political power through any connections. She comes from a faraway place that most people know little about. Her husband isn't merely a champion athlete but in "snow machine racing". Her political resume and list of accomplishment is the envy of most, and that's something that her opponents would rather not admit. Finally, she is comfortable in her political philosophy and she makes no excuses or equivocations for her belief system."
Good points, Mike. In my own humble opinion, I believe the fascination with Gov. Palin can be boiled down to one simple observation - she connects with everyday people. This natural quality of hers only increases the admiration of her by those she connects with. And it causes those who cannot stand her to hate her even more. She has it; they don't. And they're determined to destroy her for it.

- JP

1 comment:

  1. "she connects with everyday people. This natural quality of hers only increases the admiration of her by those she connects with."

    You nailed that one. That's why I think that the Axelrod tactic of carpet bombing Palin 24/7 with phoney "ethics" complaints, thousands of nasty and vile comments on every article related to Palin, and the MSM's constant obsession with her family is going to backfire. The majority of Americans want people treated fairly, even if they don't agree with them, and the continuous over the top attacks on her are wearing thin, and there very well could be a backlash, particularly by independent voters who wonder why the attacks on Palin when the country is facing such a huge economic problem, and trouble abroad.
