Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Ruth Marcus, meet Mary Ann Kreitzer

In her latest commentary, Mary Ann Kreitzer answers Ruth Marcus' back-of-the-hand compliment over Gov. Palin's remarks to Thursday night's major Indiana right to life event.

An excerpt:
Marcus' words link her to the early screeching, bra-burning feminists who described motherhood as slavery and demeaned women who chose it over careers. But why does she hate Palin so much whom she attacked relentlessly during the presidential campaign? Palin chose career, balancing it with family. Ah, but she breaks the biggest rule of radical feminism. She doesn't promote or shill for abortion. And so her words must be twisted to make it appear that she is, indeed, "pro-choice," but a hypocrite who wishes to deny the same choice to others.

In "Palin's Personal Choice" Marcus says Palin "made her eloquent case for choice at a right-to-life fundraising dinner." How did Palin suddenly switch from pro-lifer to pro-choicer on Marcus' balance sheet? She expressed her fears and her doubts and, yes, the temptation to abort. As a Catholic and a sinner I know just what Sarah Palin was talking about. I too have been tempted to do evil out of self-interest, and an immoral law (as it did with slavery) makes evil choices easier to justify. Welcome to the human condition!

But distorting reality is necessary to demonize the opposition. So after quoting Palin's description of her doubts and "thought process," Marcus plays the gotcha game...
Highly recommended reading.

Update: Now Ms. Marcus, please meet Ramesh Ponnuru.

- JP

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