Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Quick, call a lawyer!

Memo to Kim Chatman:

There's a rumor going around the internet that Gov. Sarah Palin, in a clear violation of the law, removed a tag from a pillow.

Contact your nearest left-wing legal foundation (so George Soros pays for it, and it doesn't cost you one Red cent), and ask them to further jam up the legal system and waste the taxpayers' money with unfounded allegations of an "ethics" violation by the governor.

Alinskybama will be eternally grateful, at least until that point in time when he has to throw you under the bus. Remember, Trotsky was a tool of the bourgeoisie! Any means is justified by the end.

- Comrade JP


  1. This is incredibly frustrating.

    You know Josh, I think some of those people are just so stupid they may call your bluff.

  2. Hate is a powerful emotion. So strong in fact, that it overpowers the ability to reason.

    - JP
