Friday, April 17, 2009

Culvahouse: "We came away impressed"

Andy Barr reports:
John McCain's lead vice presidential vetter said Friday that Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin "impressed" in her interview, knocking the senator’s most important questions "out of the park."

A.B. Culvahouse, a powerful Washington lawyer and former counsel to President Reagan, told an audience of Republican lawyers that for McCain, selecting a vice president came down to three questions: Why do you want to be vice president? Are you prepared to use nuclear weapons? And the CIA has identified Osama bin Laden, but if you take the shot there will be multiple civilian casualties. Do you take the shot?

"She knocked those questions out of the park," he said at an event held at the National Press Club by the Republican National Lawyers Association. "We came away impressed."
Culvahouse also revealed that McCain was leaning toward choosing Sen. Joe Lieberman, but was advised against because several state have laws which make it very difficult for a person to become the vice presidential nominee if that person only switch parties to become a Republican shortly before the GOP convention.

Video and more details from the Trib's Washington Bureau site, The Swamp.

Update: Don Surber blogs, "Another anti-Palin myth destroyed"

- JP

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