Thursday, September 2, 2010

More Quote of the Day Honorable Mention, Part 109

"Who's your mama (grizzy)?" Edition

Kenric Ward Sunshine State News:
"Sarah Palin's endorsement in the Florida attorney general's race might not have sealed the deal for Pam Bondi, but the Alaskan rogue's support certainly carried more weight than Newt Gingrich's... Mike Huckabee's endorsement didn't do much, if anything, for Bill McCollum... All three Republicans -- Palin, Gingrich and Huckabee -- are maneuvering for presidential bids in 2012. Based on the win-loss ratios of their endorsements here and elsewhere, Palin leads the field, by far."
Brian Murphy, Palin-endorsed candidate for governor in Maryland:
"She [Gov. Palin] can't win it for me, but she gives me the chance to be on the stage. The reality is we want to give her a win and I think we can."
Moe Lane ar
"I make no estimates or predictions about 2012, but it’s fairly clear that in 2010 Palin is going to be active in House general elections, and to the benefit of the Republican party. No, seriously. To be blunt about it: there are a lot of Democratic and progressive activists out there who seem convinced that their own psycho-sexual fetish about THAT WOMAN is shared by the general population… in much the same way that they assumed that every voter who didn’t like George W Bush actually hated the man, in the Nineteen Eighty-Four Two-Minute Hate sense. Which is… no, they didn’t, and don’t. That’s because most people aren’t crazy."
John Phillips via Twitter:
"[Tuesday's] election means @SarahPalinUSA is the 2012 GOP front runner"
MysteryJ at :
"Just a week ago... liberal bloggers and talking head types were discussing and relishing the impending embarrassment that Sarah Palin was going to experience at the hands of Alaskan voters... Palin had endorsed and recorded robo-calls for Tea Party favorite Bill Miller against sitting Senator Lisa Murkowski. Miller was not given a chance and liberals were salivating to make [hay] out of Palin's demise as a political king maker. It wasn't to be... Palin can rightfully tout her influence on that election."
John Hawkins at
"Myths About Conservatives... 'Conservatives believe women should be poor, quiet, barefoot, and in the kitchen': This is an especially weird claim in light of Sarah Palin's meteoric rise and the incredible popularity of fiery conservative women like Michele Bachmann, Michele Malkin, and Ann Coulter."
"Governor Palin’s ninja throwing stars have taken down, hopefully for good, the dynastic, establishment... Romney Republican Murkowski Family. Great Merciful Zeus. This means, next year, a whole host of wonderful Palin Republicans, Momma and Poppa Grizzlies, will be taking office…because of the support and backing of Governor Palin... there is no way under the sun that Mittens could have pulled off something like THIS, taking down the Murkowski Dynasty... Get on her bad side at your own peril."
Rob Harrison at The Spyglass:
"What Gov. Palin needed to do and set out to do, she's doing, and she's doing it with style."
Mr. Grey Ghost at Politik Ditto:
"The MSM would love it if Sarah Palin just went away from good. They keep telling us about what a danger she is to democracy, healthcare, women, blacks, babies, unicorn's, you name it. They mock and attempt to discredit her at every turn just because her politics disagrees with theirs. Yet, she's still here, making a difference, swaying the American public, proving [the progressives] all wrong and not only can they not stop her, they can't even contain her. Expect them to step up the hate."
Be John Galt:
"The left still hates Sarah Palin and believes she’s the wicked witch of the north, but now... liberal women are lamenting the left doesn’t don’t have a Sarah Palin of its own"
Robin of Berkeley at American Thinker:
"Liberalism throws away good money on bad people. By aiding and abetting the enemy, our culture emboldens the darkness. But liberalism goes one step deeper. Through indoctrination in political correctness, millions of people don't even recognize evil when it is staring them in the face. The masses are so confused that they see good people (Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann) as bad and bad people as good. Consequently, radical Islam is viewed as a religion of peace. Liberals plaster 'Coexist' bumper stickers on their bumpers and welcome 'victory mosques' like New York's Cordoba House. Liberals enable evil, perhaps becoming engulfed by it themselves."
Dan Tuohy at Granite Slate:
"The Tea Party claims victory in Alaska, as Republican incumbent Lisa Murkowski concedes in the U.S. Senate race. Sarah Palin takes a step toward King Maker."
Donald R. McClarey at The American Catholic:
"Most politicians could be stamped out with a cookie cutter for all the originality and style they possess. Sarah Palin is most certainly not in that mold. Her impact on American politics is only beginning. She is not a conventional politician and people who judge her by that yardstick completely fail to understand her. She is the leader of a powerful movement of conservative women that has the potential to reshape politics in this country for a very long time."
Mark Hemingway at the Washington Examiner:
"Palin’s quote about thugs clearly differentiates between rank-and-file union members and union leaders. Perhaps the reason why Trumka is so offended is that he’s exactly the kind of thuggish union leader Sarah Palin was talking about."
Jeffrey Lord at The American Spectator:
" From the Edmund Burkes, John Lockes, Adam Smiths and Abraham Lincolns to a Barry Goldwater, Ronald Reagan, Jack Kemp, Newt Gingrich, Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, Glenn Beck and on and on right down to, as was said in the famous Longfellow poem of Paul Revere's ride, 'every Middlesex village and farm' -- the conservative revolution flowers."
- JP

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