Friday, September 3, 2010

Gregg Opelka: When the NY Times has nothing to say, it hates on Sarah Palin

At Big Journalism, Gregg Opelka reviews Gail Collins’ latest nastygram-masquerading-as-a- NY-Times-column:
If you’ve never seen the movie The Women, don’t feel bad. You can get a much better lesson in girl-on-girl bitchiness by reading Gail Collins’ much nastier New York Times op-ed “Sarah’s Amazing Race.”

With all the outrage over frivolous stimulus spending projects, the government should fund a study of the nexus between hatred of Palin and the absence of the Y chromosome in liberals like Collins. Finally we’d see stimulus money well-spent. Here’s the first of Collins’ ad feminam mud-balls:
Palin is on a roll. She’s got her own TV show, not counting Fox News. And she twitters! Or somebody does it for her. Hard to tell which. Her twit on the president’s Iraq speech was: “may make u want to dig out ur old Orwell books so rewritten history can be deciphered.” On the one hand, the sentence construction does have that Sarah ring to it. On the other, how many of you think that Palin has old Orwell books hanging around the house? May I see a show of hands?
In this embarrassingly mean-spirited column, Collins drips elitist superciliousness like a human IV-bag. The above excerpt alone shows Collins staking out both Twitter and the entire George Orwell oeuvre as the sole property of the left.

Her implication? Conservative women—especially non Ivy-league-educated women such as Palin—have no business reading big books like 1984 or using high-tech innovations like Twitter. Those are reserved for women on the left. Only they possess the intelligence to understand Orwellian admonitions or to articulate intelligent thoughts in 140 characters or fewer. Hence—as Collins so charitably implies—Sarah undoubtedly has somebody “do it for her.”

By the way, that same “somebody” should inform Collins that when attempting to discredit your opponent for using Twitter, you might want to get your lingo straight. Sarah doesn’t “twitter,” she “tweets.”
Read the rest of this scathing comeuppance here.

- JP


  1. Why am I picturing Collins as a rancid little troll-woman with a moustache?

    Can anyone imagine the type of man that would actually date a wheezing shrew like Collins?

    I didn't think so.

  2. "Collins drips elitist superciliousness like a human IV-bag."
    That is the funniest, most clever sentence I have read since Camille Paglia trashed the Palin haters last year. Go Gregg!
