Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Palin Rallies Tea Party Crowd On Boston Common

M.R.F. Buckley of The Boston Channel reports:
Thousands of Boston-area residents fed up with what they see as a tax happy, free-spending government got a shot of political adrenaline at a Tea Party Express rally on the Boston Common Wednesday, waving flags and signs as they listened to former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin take shots at Washington.

"From now until November, when they say, 'Yes, we can,' we're going to say, 'Oh no you don't,'" said marquee speaker and 2008 Republican Vice Presidential candidate Palin, voicing the grassroots movement's dissatisfaction with Congressional politicians and the Obama administration.

"We'll keeping clinging to our Constitution and our guns and our religion and you can keep the change, because the voters are coming," Palin said, to rousing cheers.


With husband Todd by her side, Palin called for a reduction in taxes and criticized Obama's $800 billion stimulus spending program. She said Americans now spend 100 days out of the year working to support their government.

"We are now headed toward being a country where, instead of the people deciding how much money our government has, now it's our government deciding how much money the people have, and that's backwards and we're going to turn that around. It is time to remind them that government should be working for us. We should not have to work for the government," Palin said.
More coverage from Associated Press, Politico, Boston Herald and Boston Globe.

Ed Morrissey comments at Hot Air:
"Sarah Palin delivers the speech every Tea Partier wants to hear today. Palin traveled to Boston as part of the Tea Party Express, speaking in front of their bus to a cheering throng. Calling the Obama administration 'all Alinsky all the time,' Palin sent a message to the White House that 'we’ll keep clinging to our Constitution, our guns and our religion and you can keep the change!' It’s not far off from her speech at the SRLC in terms of topics, but there’s a much heavier emphasis here on rallying the crowd as one would expect at this event."


"Palin’s critics keep trying to claim that she’s out of the mainstream, but the rapid growth of Tea Party support demolishes that claim. If Democrats think this is a passing phase, they will find themselves very surprised in the midterms."
From Jim Hoft's post at Gateway Pundit:
[Boston radio talker] "Ken Pittman called to say that police told him that there were 13,000-16,000 patriots at the rally today – By far the largest conservative rally he’s been to in Boston."
More coverage and commentary as it comes in...

- JP

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