Thursday, November 19, 2009

Sarah Palin Rising: New Poll Results

As we noted Tuesday, recent Rasmussen polling shows Sarah Palin's favorability ratings to to be on an upward trend, despite a campaign by the hateful left and their trained media attack dogs to smear the former governor 24/7 for well over a year. The 2008 GOP vice presidential candidates favorables are, in fact, higher than President Obama's approval ratings.

The results of a new Opinion Dynamics poll conducted for FOX tend to confirm Scott Rasmussen's findings. The new survey shows that Mrs. Palin's favorable score among all voters has risen nine percentage points above July's mark of 38 percent.

Also among all voters -- not just Republicans -- Sarah Palin is viewed more favorably than her most likely potential rivals for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination:
Palin has been mentioned as a possible presidential candidate in 2012, along with a host of other Republicans. Among self-identified Republicans in the survey, Palin gets the highest favorable ratings (70 percent) amid a group of other possible contenders for the GOP nomination, including Mike Huckabee (63 percent), Mitt Romney (60 percent) and Newt Gingrich (58 percent).
Former Governor Palin's gains have come mostly from independents. Last July, more members of this key demographic group saw her unfavorably than favorably, by a 51 percent to 38 percent margin. The Going Rogue author has turned those numbers around. Now 49 percent of independents see her in a favorable light, while her unfavorables have dropped to 38 percent.

How has she manged to do this? We think it's too soon for Sarah Palin to benefit from the positive impression she is making on the general public with her recent television appearances with Oprah Winfrey and Barbara Walters to promote her book. And before she made these appearances, she kept mostly a low profile except for expressing her opinion on a range of issues on Facebook. In time, Mrs. Palin's presence in both the new media and old will help to drive up her favorability ratings, but we don't believe enough time has elapsed for the improvement in her poll numbers to be attributed to the media blitz.

We think that Sarah Palin's rise in the polls is mostly a result of the boomerang effect. We have long predicted that the assault on her by the left and the media would reach the point of diminishing returns and would start to backfire on those who are trying to do her in. This is what we are seeing now. A clue can be seen in the Opinion Dynamics finding that 61 percent of all voters believe that Palin has been treated unfairly by the media.

As we have argued, independents have tired of hearing these below-the-belt attacks. They want substantive solutions to the problems that they had believed that voting for the Democrats last November would bring. The Democrats have owned Congress for three years and the White House for nearly a year, and things have gotten worse, not better. Obama and the Democrats in both houses have failed them, and independents are looking elsewhere for solutions. Sarah Palin is offering them common sense conservative proposals to get the country back on track, and they are willing to take a second look at her.

The delicious irony for conservatives in this is that those on the left who have using Alinsky methods in their attempt to destroy Sarah Palin have become victims of their own nefarious tactics.

Update: Allah says:
"Good lord — Sullivan’s going to have to take another few days off to cope with the data."
- JP


  1. Palin said it herself. Her own words without the filter and venom of the lamestream media. As she speaks out more on the issues, more and more indepedents will see her as the contrast to Obama.

  2. It will be interesting to see what the polls say at the end of January, when Going Rogue, all her interviews, several speaking engagements, and the huge turnouts at her book signings have had a chance to percolate through the general public.

    The fact that Hannity's ratings were higher than BOR's, and 0prah's ratings were the highest in 2 years, is a sign that there is definate interest in what Gov. Palin has to say. With people turning against the health care mess, cap and trade, amnesty, 0bama's failure in Afghanistan, and the Ft. Hood massacre, she is well positioned to ride the tsunami of book sales, and her media blitz to heights undreamed of just a few weeks ago.
