Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Rush: Conservative Sarah Palin Drives Media Elites Bonkers

Rush Limbaugh dicussed Sarah Palin extensively on Monday's program. Here are some excerpts from the transcript:
Folks, this is the most incredible thing. The Drive-Bys, the State-Controlled Media -- predictably -- are going bonkers over Sarah Palin and her book, her appearance on Oprah. We'll be talking to her tomorrow afternoon at one o'clock, the top of the second hour on this program. We did an interview late last week with her for the next issue of the Limbaugh Letter. "The Associated Press got an advance copy of Sarah Palin's book, Going Rogue, and assigned eleven reporters, apparently, to try to find errors in it." Did you hear about this?


Eleven crackerjack AP reporters assigned to fact-check her book! Do any other authors' books get fact-checked like this? Not that I can recall. But anyway this is the best they can do? This is the best they could find. We have a brief time-out coming up here, ladies... (interruption) Well, I know liberals took after my book, but I mean does anybody on the other side get fact-checked? Nobody does.


Brooks is the guy that sounds mad. Brooks is the guy that sounds angry and jealous. I think he's jealous of the attention that she gets, and me, other so-called opinion makers. Because he doesn't move the opinion dial one way in any direction, and he's a static zero.

If he were an opinion meter, the thing would never move, just point straight up out into nowhere, which is I guess what he wants, you know, to be considered a good moderate. But in their arrogance and in their conceit, they miss her appeal. They miss her optimism and the things that she's positive about, and they totally don't understand why people are drawn to her. And it scares 'em. Now, I have a challenge to the Associated Press. They sent these 11 reporters out there to fact-check her book. Hey, AP, I got an idea for you. Assign those same 11 reporters to Algore's book and see how many facts you can find, not errors.


Now, if I'm David Brooks or any of these elitists and I'm really in tune with what's going on here, in a contest between Sarah Palin and Barack Obama, for example, or Barack Obama and anybody, Obama should lose. Obama's destroying the United States. But they love Obama in part because they think he's one of them: smart, intellectual, elite, dresses well. Brooks even writes about the crease in Obama's slacks and how he's impressed by that. I kid you not. He was impressed by the crease in Obama's slacks, as a sign of refinement. Beltway Republicans, the wizards of smart, the Beltway Republicans have been running things, they have slowly lost Republican political power, so they are afraid of their own jobs and credibility if somebody like Palin, with her conservative viewpoint rises. I have to tell you, the reason why Palin's being hit here is not because she's Palin, it's because she's conservative. She is the most conservative of the Republican candidates, or I don't even know if she's a candidate, but of all the Republican public figures that might be in politics, she is by far the most conservative and everybody's threatened by that.
- JP

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