Monday, November 16, 2009

The Misogynist Channel Apologizes to Sarah Palin

Only after sparking angry reactions from, The New Agenda,, Examiner and a host of other new media outlets, has MSNBC apologized to Sarah Palin for the sexist stunt it pulled Friday:

h/t: Friends Of Ours

So RATigan apologizes for using the photshops. Who will apologize for the snarky comments that surrounded them?

- JP


  1. He's not apologizing because he knows it was wrong, he's apologizing because he took some heat, he really doesn't see what's wrong with it. You notice that he apoligized only for using the pictures, and not for what was said on their disgusting little show.

  2. I'm shocked that MSNBC still has viewers period.

  3. Once spoken, untruths can not be made right.

    There are too many media outlets who deliberately print or say untruths, knowing that any retraction will be either unseen or ignored.

  4. It sounds like they heard from Sarah's lawyers, and believed a suit was the alternative. They didn't like that alternative.

    The photos were not of Sarah.

    Photoshopped photos are photoshopped fake photos of nobody. They are not photoshopped "photos of Gov. Palin." They are fakes.

  5. Great...they think she is still the little struggling governor from Alaska who can't defend herself. I hope she makes lots of money and go after these scandalous sexists with her lawyers.

    She will have enough money n ow to defend herself and her family

  6. MSNBC would say that this is a photo of Obama, whereas I would not.
