Friday, November 6, 2009

Maddow: "The Constitution doesn't have a preamble"

MSNBC anchorcreep Rachel Maddow, while mocking TEA Party protesters and GOP congressmen, stated on her poorly-rated cable television program Thursday night that "the Constitution doesn't have a preamble." The moment is captured on YouTube at Freedom's Lighthouse.

As every high school civics student should know, the U.S. Constitution does indeed have a preamble, and it is a vitally important part of that document:
"We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."
While we have little use for radical leftists such as Ms. Maddow, we don't believe for one minute that she is that stupid or that ignorant. Like her fellow radical Alinskyites, she's simply a liar. Like last April, when both of Maddow's viewers [rimshot!] heard her say of Sarah Palin:
"Last week, she got precisely zero support for her call for Alaska's Democratic Senator Mark Begich to resign because Ted Stevens' corruption conviction was overturned."
However, according to
But did Palin get "precisely zero support" for the idea?

No. In fact, it wasn't even her idea in the first place. It was the Alaska Republican Party that suggested it.


Wev Shea, a former U.S. attorney now in private practice in Anchorage, did not specifically call on Begich to resign but he endorsed the idea of a special election and told the New York Times, "There’s a groundswell all over the state for a special election."

So Maddow left her viewers with two incorrect impressions — that Palin had initiated the idea for Begich's resignation, and that no one else supported her. In fact, it wasn't Palin's idea, and she wasn't particularly wedded to it, and others supported it. We find Maddow's claim False.
The lie was such a whopper that the pointer in PolitiFact's Truth-O-Meter is resting on the peg on the far left. Which seems entirely appropriate...

Update: Associate Editor Noel Sheppard notes Maddow's mea culpa:
"Well, at least she showed some character and admitted her mistake -- which puts her in a whole different league than her cowardly colleague Keith Olbermann who almost never issues a correction or offers an apology for his frequent gaffes."
- JP


  1. Fruedian slip maybe. She probably just wishes the Constitution has no preamble:-). It is hard to find a liberal who has actually read it...

  2. Perhaps Maddow needs to do what every elementary school student did when I was growing up and watch schoolhouse rock:
