Thursday, November 12, 2009

Dede blames Sarah Palin

From Tilman Walker at The Admonition:
"Looking for a scapegoat for her poor showing in New York’s 23rd Congressional race, Dede Scozzafava has chosen every liberals favorite, Sarah Palin. Scozzafava in an interview slammed Sarah Palin for “attacking” her, when in reality Palin only endorsed her opponent Doug Hoffman. But then again to liberals if you don’t support them you’re attacking them."

"I love the way the media is describing Dede Scozzafava even now; they say she’s a 'moderate' Republican. CNN describes her as the 'face of moderate republicanism'; refusing to call Scozzafava what she is, a liberal. Sarah Palin simply chose principle over party; Dede needs to get over it."
Dan Riehl also comments:
"Dede Scozzafava wants to take on Sarah Palin and the entire Conservative movement. Clue Dede: think death match and you already had a go. They kicked your butt."


"I imagine Palin will simply ignore it, but who knows? Dede is mad as hell and she isn't going to take it anymore. If I had a parrot it'd be saying, Dede wants a book deal, ... Dede wants a book deal .... bwak!!! bwak!!!"
- JP


  1. Reading about Dede Scozzafava's attack on Sarah gave me a bout of uncontrollable laughter, which I later wrote about.

  2. Dede is a twit. She dropped out of the race on her own. That was her decision and hers alone. Does she think about going after Palin that she'll somehow become relevant? Most people should very made at Dede. It was her endorsement of Owens that gave him the win and provided the crucial vote to Pelosi in passing the socialist health care monster.So Dede need to have a coke and a smile and shut up!
