Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Bristol makes first appearances for foundation

Gov. Sarah Palin's daughter Bristol is making her first appearances as Teen Ambassador for The Candies Foundation, working to raise awareness of teen pregnancy prevention.

She was a guest on ABC's "Good Morning America" (story here and video here), as well as NBC's "Today Show" (story here and video here).

The young lady seems to be doing her job for Candies, including dealing with the media, withall the poise and grace that could be expected of an 18-year-old. She will participate in a town hall discussion sponsored by the foundation later today.

CBS, feeling left out because Bristol chose to appear on the two other major alphabet networks and not theirs, lashed out by giving Bristols ex-fiance Levi Johnston some more air time in an attempt to spoil the work Bristol is doing. We would expect nothing better from the snarky See-BS.

- JP


  1. levi was on tv? lol didn't even notice.

    bristol was great and showed that the palins have a lot more class than the johnstons.

  2. Good for the Palins. An obvious well deserved back-handed swipe at CBS.
