Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Greta will ask Sarah Palin tonight if she can beat Obama

9PM Central Time
Gov. Palin goes On The Record again tonight, and according to GretaWire, one topic of discussion will be what she thinks her chances would be in a general election match up with the president:
Does Sarah Palin think she can beat President Obama in the 2012 election? Tune in at 10pm/ET to find out!
In November of 2010, ABC's Barbara Walters asked that same question of the former GOP vice presidential candidate, who answered in the affirmative. Now in September of 2012, a recent Marist poll shows her numbers to be much closer to Obama's than was the case last year.

- JP

1 comment:

  1. I hope she looks Greta straight in the eye, and says, "Yes, I know I can beat him." I don't want to hear, "I think I can."
