Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Sun-Times: Sarah Palin impresses top Republicans at Illinois fundraiser

Chicago Sun-Times political reporter Abdon Pallash covered Sarah Palin's appearance at a state GOP fundraiser in Romemont today. Pallash reports that Gov. Palin impressed Illinois’ leading Republicans, a number of whom paid from $500 to $25,000 to schmooze with the first woman in history to be the party's vice presidential candidate:
“We talked about the situation in Illinois — the deficit, the high taxes, job creation,” said the party’s nominee for governor, State Sen. Bill Brady of Bloomington. “I told her, ‘Your being here is helping rally the troops and get the message out.’”


“She came in and was gracious enough to help us raise money,” said state Sen. Jim Durkin. “It was very low-key, no speeches. She just met with people and talked with them. She said we have the chance to win many seats. People were very eager to take out their check books.”

Durkin brought a picture he took with Palin, himself and Mike Ditka at a Latrobe, Pa., rally a week before the 2008 election, which Palin signed for him.

“She said this could be a good year for Republicans,” State GOP Chairman Patrick Brady said.

“It was a moving experience,” said former GOP candidate for governor Adam Andrzejewski. “She was very personable. She was encouraging us to keep up the fight for reform in Illinois.”
Tonight at a separate event, “An Evening with Sarah Palin, ” Governor Palin spoke to a crowd of 4,000 at the Rosemont Theater. Sponsored by Chicago news-talk radio station WIND, the evening event offered much more affordable ticket prices of $56.

- JP

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